Massage & Bodywork

January | February 2014

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technique ENERGY WORK Pain Relief and Color Energy Healing for Getting the Red Out By Cyndi Dale I've attended a lot of youth football games, and I'm used to seeing the aftereffects: pulled muscles, strains, and pain. My oldest son, however, didn't see the worst coming until he played his first tackle football game. "Mom," he complained, rubbing his shoulder. "Isn't there something that can just get the red out?" Little did my son know that from a subtle energy perspective, he was spot-on. The color of pain—as well as inflammation, irritation, and annoyance—is red. Science is now discovering that every color of light produces an effect.1 Pink is calming, as is blue; orange stimulates feelings and yellow stimulates our minds. In energy work, every ailment, emotion, and throbbing headache can be described as a color. This is because everything is made of energy— physical and subtle—or information that vibrates. Vibrations described as "red" have a different frequency and effect than those comparable to "blue." Red excites and blue calms. Because of this fact, if we can literally "get the red out" of a painful part of the body, and insert a more soothing hue, we can help restore comfort. CHANGING COLORS When working with a client, you're probably not in a position to pull out a fabric swatch or recommend a wardrobe change. While your client might love a prescription for a trip to Tahiti—there are amazing healing colors over there—they probably have to tough out their healing at home. Fortunately, the use of subtle energy enables the delivery of healing colors—and pain relief—no matter your client's familiarity with the topic, or budget, for that matter. The importance of providing pain relief or pain management, a branch of medicine called algiatry, is inherent to the body therapy field. According to a national consumer survey commissioned 110 massage & bodywork january/february 2014

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