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SAVE 20% TED lIMI E IM T oN All HoME STuDy CE CourSES CE HourS Research Supports Benefi ts of Massage Two recent studies published in the Journal of Bodywork and Movement Therapies have demonstrated the success of massage in addressing different conditions. The fi rst, conducted by De Anza College in California, found that hamstring flexibility was significantly improved after a massage treatment combined with elastic resistance. The abstract is available at www. S1360-8592(13)00065-X. The second, conducted by Australia's University of the Sunshine Coast, suggests that massage therapy, combined with trigger point therapy, is an effective treatment option for carpal tunnel syndrome. It is available at www.bodyworkmovementtherapies. com/article/S1360-8592(12)00243-4. Massage Envy Spa Donates to Beauty Changes Lives Foundation Beauty Changes Lives, a nonprofit foundation dedicated to building awareness of career opportunities in the beauty and wellness industries, has received a $30,000 donation from Massage Envy Spa. The foundation will use a portion of the funds to sponsor six $2,000 scholarships for students currently enrolled in a massage therapy education program. "We are thrilled to partner with Beauty Changes Lives to support students in realizing their dreams of becoming professional massage therapists," says CG Funk, vice president of industry relations and product development for Massage Envy Spa. For more information, go to 18 7 40 10 6 1 5 17 16 1 12 1 3 13 6 3 13 30 12 22 10 6 2 1 7 1 17 3 3 12 2 20 20 10 13 13 18 24 10 12 10 17 1 22 17 3 16 4 12 16 12 6 14 14 10 12 1 rEgulArly $ Advanced Anatomy & Pathology 215 $ Applied Kinesiology 85 $ Aromatherapy Essentials NAHA approved 410 $ Aromatherapy: Restoring Emotional Balance 120 $ Ayurvedic Massage Fundamentals 75 $ Cancer & Massage 15 $ Chronic Pain Management 60 $ Clinical Massage Therapy 205 $ Cranial-Sacral Fundamentals 190 $ Cupping for Massage Therapists 15 $ Deep Tissue Massage 145 $ Deep Vein Thrombosis 15 $ Developing a Wellness Center 35 $ Energy Medicine: The Scientific Basis 165 $ Ethics: From the Dalai lama 75 $ Ethics: Professional Conduct 35 $ Fascia: The Endless Web 165 $ Fibromyalgia and Massage 360 $ Forearm Massage – Auth Method® 160 $ Healing Energy & Touch 260 $ Hospice-Based Massage 120 $ Infant and Child Massage 75 $ Infectious Disease: Hepatitis 25 $ Infectious Disease: HIV/AIDS 15 $ Introduction to Chair Massage 85 $ low Back Pain 15 $ lymphatic Drainage Massage 205 $ Marketing Massage in Four Easy Steps 35 $ Massage for Edema 35 $ Mastering Chair Massage 145 $ Medical Errors 25 $ Myofascial release 240 $ Neuromuscular Therapy 240 $ oncology Massage: Fact vs. Myth 120 $ orthopedic Massage 165 $ Pharmacology for Massage 165 $ Polarity Therapy 215 $ Positional release Techniques 280 $ Pre- and Perinatal Massage 120 $ Psychology of the Body 145 $ Qigong: Chinese Energy Healing 120 $ reflexology 205 $ reiki Basics 15 $ Shiatsu Anma Therapy 260 $ Sports Massage 205 $ Staying Well – Naturally 35 $ Stone Massage 190 $ Stress reduction Through Bodywork 48 $ Swedish Massage for Professionals 145 $ Teaching Prenatal Partner Massage 190 $ Thai yoga Massage 145 $ The Mind /Body Connection 75 $ Tibetan Massage and relaxation 170 $ Touch for the Seriously Ill 170 $ Trigger Point Therapy 120 $ understanding Fibromyalgia 145 $ Women & Massage 15 savE 20% On all cE cOuRsEs. fOR a cOMplEtE list Of OuR 125+ cOuRsEs, visit intEgRativEHEaltHcaRE.ORg. HuRRy! OffER Ends 12/20/13. MEntiOn cOdE MB1312. Inst InstItute for Integrative tm Healthcare ENroll ToDAy! 800-364-5722 The Institute is approved by the NCBTMB as a CE Approved Provider – over 125 programs accepted. Our CE Hours are also accepted by the AMTA, ABMP and most state boards. Add $10 S/H in the 48 contiguous states. NYS residents add 8.125% sales tax. Offer not valid on prior enrollments; not to be combined with other offers. Expires 12/20/13. ©2013 The Institute for Integrative Healthcare. All rights reserved. See what benefits await you. 19