Massage & Bodywork

November/December 2013

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EDUCATION RESOURCE LISTING Associated Bodywork & Massage Professionals 800-458-2267 Meet your CE requirements with ABMP's new online courses. Interactive, ondemand courses developed by leaders in the profession. Courses include Therapist Boundaries, Client Interviews, Enriching Relaxation, and Stone Massage. ABMP members receive discounts and a free myofascial course. NCBTMB approved. Claire Marie Miller Seminars Three powerful, life-changing, advanced massage therapy certifications 877-319-5772 Nurturing the Mother ® (1990) Pregnancy, labor, postpartum, and infant massage. Integrative Reflexology (1993) Grounded in holistic philosophy. ® Society of Ortho-Bionomy International 317-536-0064 Ortho-Bionomy ®: Do more with less effort and less strain on your body. Pain and tension relief through gentle, deeply effective bodywork therapy; direct, indirect & energetic techniques stimulate the body's reflexes and self-healing mechanisms. The Society of Ortho-Bionomy International ® provides workshops & training programs, including NCBTMB-approved continuing education, including Ethics. Zen Cranio Sacral Institute with Etienne Peirsman Zen Cranio is a synthesis of all Cranio work, from biomechanic to bio-dynamic, mind to no-mind, accessing your Body's Wisdom. 303.956.7326 Zen Cranio training is easy, straightforward, fun and deeply silent. We offer you the way back to the Genius that you have always been, to your authentic center. Nurturing the Mother ® Fertility Massage (1990) Create a healthy environment to support the most precious journey. Home study, onsite & home-study hybrids. Institute of Somatic Therapy 417-589-0314 Just This Side Of Heaven Massage 267-269-7388 eportley@justthissideof Instant CEs! Zero Balancing RECHARGE YOUR TOUCH & YOUR PRACTICE. Enroll today, take your course and test online, and print your certificate immediately. Visit our website for a free sample course. Then relax and enjoy the peace of mind that a hassle-free, instant-results CE experience can bring. NCBTMB approved. Course topics include pregnancy, infant, doula, ethics, research, and much more. Log on now! 410-381-8956 Feel and balance bone energy. Zero Balancing (ZB) is the hands-on bodymind therapy developed by Fritz Smith, MD. The skilled touch of ZB is fun to learn and feels great to receive. Continuing Education Classes! We are approved by NCBTMB and Florida CeBroker. Award-winning instructor teaches you MFR, NMT, and Pre-Natal specialties. In our Energy Techniques Workshop you will learn how to treat physical pain effectively by discovering the root cause! You will learn to balance the chakras and a variety of techniques designed to move stagnant energy. We are willing to travel to you. Call for details. Pre-registration is required. Rolf Institute® of Structural Integration ADVANCE YOUR PRACTICE WITH ROLFING® STRUCTURAL INTEGRATION 303-449-5903 800-530-8875 The Rolf Institute® instructs and certifies Rolfers™ through its comprehensive training program. Classes start throughout the year. Start with Core ZB, a 50-hour program taught in 2 parts. NCBTMB approved. Visit for courses and certification. Promote Your School or CE Program Here! Call now! Rolfing® Structural Integration is a form of hands-on manipulation and movement education that systematically reorganizes the fascia to release, realign, and balance the whole body. 800-693-3296 reception@bodyworkcareer Recognized as one of the world's premier learning institutes for aquatic and landbased healing arts, we offer programs designed to integrate personal growth and a strong foundation in technique. Choose weekend classes, or week-long intensives, Practitioner and Therapist programs. Approved CE provider by NCBTMB and CBRN. Contact us today! ABMP members and school members receive discounts on this space. Increase exposure for your CE program by letting us help you reach our audience in 2014! Hannah Levy advertising coordinator FINANCIAL AID IS AVAILABLE for those who qualify. School of Shiatsu & Massage With 50 words of text, a color logo, contact info, and a link to your website, reach our 80,000+ ABMP members and Massage & Bodywork magazine readers through both print and digital exposure. 800-458-2267, ext. 620 direct 303-679-7620 fax 866-901-9620 expectmore

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