Massage & Bodywork

November/December 2013

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Boiance Float Oakworks introduces this massage table face-rest accessory, designed with six water spheres, that floats your client's head for frictionless movement in all directions. The cushion allows the head to move freely and the neck to lengthen naturally, minimizing cervical compression during upper bodywork. The Boiance Float works with most face-rest platforms and face pillows. It is available in black for $79 at 717-235-6807 or Both Ends of the Rainbow: Lomilomi—A Healing Journey Written by Gloria Ku'uleialoha Coppola, this book offers information about the Hawaiian culture, history of lomilomi, and a detailed guide to the foundational strokes with photographs. This 194-page lomilomi manual is available for $21.99, plus shipping, at Deep Theta 2.0 Composed by Grammy-nominated artist Steven Halpern, this brain wave entrainment CD contains 13 tracks for meditation and healing, with sounds of bamboo flutes, electric piano, Japanese shakuhachi, keyboards, and synthesizers. Halpern's music incorporates the deep theta waves at 4 hertz, a frequency associated with deep meditation, enhanced healing, and heightened clarity. This 73-minute CD is available for $14.98, or as an MP3 download for $8.88, at Social Trigger Points: Massage Therapist's Guide to Marketing Online This comprehensive guide to online marketing for massage therapists, written by Stephanie Beck, compares social media and online marketing to trigger points—they can be painful but can also affect your massage practice in a positive way. Beck discusses the most popular social media sites through general overviews, real strategies, and action steps. This 122-page book costs $21.95 at See what benefits await you. 121

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