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A B M P m e m b e r s ea r n F R E E C E h o u r s by rea d i n g t h i s i s s u e ! 15 KNEAD TO KNOW Infant Massage USA Conference June 2024 The Infant Massage USA's Annual Conference returns June 7–9, 2024, featuring speaker presentations and networking opportunities centered around the theme of "The Science of Nurturing Touch." With a mission to promote nurturing touch and communication so parents, caregivers, and children are valued and respected throughout the world, Infant Massage USA presents a three-day conference of learning and networking. Attendees will hear from medical and mental health providers, researchers, early interventionists, massage and occupational therapists, nurses, and more, including an ABMP-sponsored virtual panel. Certified educators of infant massage, researchers, neonatal intensive care unit professionals, and other experts will educate and empower attendees to enhance their ability to create positive impact when working with infants and families. For more information about the conference, visit annual-conference-event-preview. Visceral Manipulation ˈvi-sə-rə-lē mə-ˈni-pyə-ˈlā-shən NOUN Enhancing the normal mobility and tissue motion of the organs of the visceral system. Hypertonicity, displacement, and adhesions can all cause organs to work against each other, creating chronic irritation and fixed, abnormal points of tension. The visceral organs are dependent on their ability to move freely in the visceral cavity to work correctly and efficiently. When they are pulled out of their effective positions, they cease to function properly. By freeing each organ to work compatibly with the others, a therapist can potentially alter and improve the structure and functioning of the body. Definition from, an ABMP website.