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A B M P m e m b e r s ea r n F R E E C E h o u r s by rea d i n g t h i s i s s u e ! 11 SPEAK YOUR MIND FACEBOOK/ABMPPAGE Being able to incorporate a truly holistic knowledge base into dealing with pain. So, thinking about the whole musculoskeletal structure and myofascia, thinking about hormones and overall biochemistry, and thinking how everything is connected in order to get the best outcomes for my patients. ELIZABETH PL ANT I fi nd myself continually inspired by industry leaders, most of whom are columnists in Massage & Bodywork magazine and instructors who lead courses in the extensive ABMP CE library. Integrative bodywork with an emphasis on nervous system regulation, client education, and self-care are cornerstones to my approach as a manual therapy practitioner. That being said, ego tells me I'd like to be as big of a name or as successful as them in my time. However, what I fi nd more rewarding than success in that sense is being able to provide services that facilitate positive, embodied, visceral experiences. I want to help create a lasting impact in more lives this year than I did in 2023, while staying true to my passion and profession. ANDREW DEGROAT INSTAGRAM/@ABMPMASSAGE Stillness. Refl exology, craniosacral, myofascial . . . Is there anything more rare, precious, or sacred than stillness? KIRBYCL ARK.MMT As a trauma survivor, I understand how trauma can be stored in the body and manifest itself in many ways. Therapeutic massage can help. My plan is to continue my professional course and incorporate more trauma-informed bodywork, along with always being the catalyst for my clients' own healing journeys—teaching them how to breathe properly, things to do in between sessions, and more. PURPLECATERPILL ARMASSAGE Empowering our clients to take charge of their wellness! OAKESSENTIALSWELLNESS Encouraging the client community to embrace the idea that discomfort and illness does not victimize them—it amplifi es our ability and courage to curate lifestyle choices that manage and create more opportunities, wherever we exist on our life canvas. EMILYINLYMPHETHERBODY Showing my clients the wonders of massage therapy and the healing process behind it. Introducing cupping therapy to more and more people, showing them that bodywork is for everyone, not just athletes! CAMPOS _CUPPING_MASSAGE Contrast therapy! I've curated a session with contrast therapy on the hands, belly, and face/neck. It's my most requested session! THESANDRAWEBER It has always been my prayer before each day to focus on doing the best I can with what I have. In 2024, I want to further educate myself so I can continue to empower my clients to be their best solution outside of our sessions. JWISEMAN_WELLNESS The sigh of relief from my clients and silly, happy smiles when they leave their treatment sessions! It's that magic that keeps me inspired. MAUDIFIT Reminding people to take care of their bodies and minds by blending medical massage and spa treatments. Educating them on how to take care of themselves after a session mentally and physically. Everything is connected! DVALLEYLUXURYSPA Our founders have a lofty goal for 2024. They want to enhance the inspired and ignite passion in those who have been feeling like they're in a slump. Our inspiration stems from a deep need to increase professionalism, expertise, connection, and education for LMTs and the public. It's going to be a great year! MASSAGEMASTERYINSTITUTE JESSICA RUSCELLO/UNSPL ASH What's Inspiring Your Practice in 2024?