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A B M P m e m b e r s ea r n F R E E C E h o u r s by rea d i n g t h i s i s s u e ! 19 SPEAK YOUR MIND FACEBOOK/ABMPPAGE Kinetic Chain Release (KCR) corrects the body's imbalances and relieves many physical issues . . . Several of my clients love a KCR session before a massage. That also helps me as a practitioner because once the body is in balance and releases constrictions, the massage is much more effective. It has been so rewarding to watch people realize how they feel and how their lives change when their body is in balance. KRISTEN WILL ARD O'GRADY I've found that regardless of the modality or technique used in a particular treatment, I get the best results when the service is evidenced-informed, outcome-based, and documented. It not only meets the client's needs appropriately but can also provide radiometric data for tracking progress (or lack thereof ) and tends to be more easily integrated with the client's current health- care provider/team (when appropriate). ANDREW DEGROAT Art Riggs's deep tissue. It's not the latest fad and never was fl ashy or heavily marketed, but it works with the body instead of beating it into submission, and you can easily adjust it to anyone. LESLI FULLERTON-PACIS A combination of neurokinetic therapy and RAPID neurofascial reset gives people long-term pain relief that the traditional stuff doesn't. CHRISTINE BAKER Spontaneous muscle release therapy (SMRT)—I knew there had to be a better way to get deep-tissue results without the pain. This allows me to do that but better. VERONICA BREEDEN BROOKS INSTAGRAM/@ABMPMASSAGE Craniosacral—it can be a potentially life-changing modality . . . It facilitates healing of body, mind, and emotions at the most subtle level and in the gentlest way without retraumatizing the client. Because the client's system leads and informs the session, it's the wisdom of their own body-mind that determines the pathway and depth of the work. BRIDIEJANE.CRANIOSACRAL Structural integration—Because it has changed the patterns in my whole body and elevated/eliminated chronic pain symptoms without fi xating on them. JOJOTANZT Manual lymphatic drainage because it is so relaxing and very effective, even with its light touch. I fi nd trigger-point therapy good as well for working out neck and shoulder pain and stiffness. TRINIT Y3MASSAGE I absolutely love using trigger-point therapy for headache and tension-related migraine relief! Love how my clients come off the table without headaches. MODERNMINDBODYMASSAGE I work with a lot of hypermobile clients (my niche is working with professional circus artists!) and have found that many of them benefi t from neuromuscular and proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation (PNF) techniques. ROOTANDBRANCHBODYWORK Cupping therapy and MLD. I can either get deeper, faster results, or visible swelling reduction after just one session of either. NEWLIFEHEALINGARTS Many different styles of barefoot massage have been helpful and effective in managing 21 years of my clients' pain and tissue issues. Just using my feet as a tool in general is a game changer for me. HEELINGSOLE Neuromuscular therapy and myofascial release paired with solid communication with clients. When you do a good assessment and the client builds trust, they receive the work better. Also, they need to be supporting the work with movement and corrective exercise for lasting results. PROBODY THERAPY Manual lymphatic drainage. Clients relax a lot sooner into the session and you can often see an immediate reduction in bloating and swelling. MASSAGESANDMACROS Which modalities do you fi nd offer the most impactful results and why?