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SPECIAL ADVERTISING SECTION SPECIAL ADVERTISING SECTION While there are many career opportunities for massage therapists, Massage Heights is a unique place to work. I am so impressed with the commitment of our franchisees and retreat directors when it comes to creating working environments that are positive and supportive for their staff. The DNA of Massage Heights is about compassionate touch, healing, therapeutic intervention, service, and passion. We are always focused on what's best for the people that comprise our company and committed to supporting our retreats in building great culture within their locations. One example of this is our internal Massage Heights Family Fund. This fund's main purpose is to provide fi nancial relief and assistance in times of need to Massage Heights team members who are facing overwhelming life circumstances. Massage Heights believes it's important to promote the benefi ts of massage therapy and the value of massage therapy careers. We believe the work of massage therapists is a catalyst for individual healing and comfort and is much needed in today's world. We hold massage therapist contributions in high regard and have national recognition programs honoring Massage Heights therapists. One of the many ways we have supported massage therapists is by creating a virtual show and podcast called Outside the Room. This show was designed for massage therapists to honor their work and career choice. We know massage therapists spend 80 percent of their workday behind closed doors and we wanted to create a place where we could connect, learn, and grow together. Over the course of a few years, we recorded 32 episodes that featured iconic massage therapists like Benny Vaughn, James Waslaski, Anne Williams, Erik Dalton, Tara Grodjesk, and Whitney Lowe. These amazing leaders shared their personal career stories and philosophies and inspired listeners and viewers. All episodes are available for viewing on the Massage Heights YouTube page. Massage Heights is also dedicated to giving back to the massage, skin care, and spa industries and the charitable organizations that sustain these industries. The Massage Therapy Foundation, the Jacquelyn Project, and the Massage Makes Me Happy and Healthy Initiative are three of the groups we support through monetary contributions, volunteer leadership, and promotion. We know massage therapists have many choices when it comes to their career. We want them to know we believe deeply in the healing power of massage therapy, and we have career opportunities for those seeking a place of acceptance, respect, and validation of their unique talents. FOLLOW THE LEADER CG Funk, Chief Therapeutic Experience Offi cer sponsored by sponsored by We hold massage therapist contributions in high regard and have national recognition programs honoring Massage Heights therapists.