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L i s te n to T h e A B M P Po d c a s t a t a b m m /p o d c a s t s o r w h e reve r yo u a cce s s yo u r favo r i te p o d c a s t s 87 energy and body so you are available to be present for yourself, and with your clients, friends, and family. Use it daily or weekly and repeat as many times as feels good to you—there's no limit on how much transformation you can provide for yourself. And here's the good news: As you fortify your resilient transformative practice, you become an invitation and inspiration for others to do the same! Note 1. Caitlin Kilgore, The Well, "All About Tapping," last modifi ed August 12, 2022, www.the- Heath and Nicole Reed are co-founders of Living Metta (living "loving kindness"), a continuing education company now offering touch therapy tools and self-care practices in their online community. They also lead workshops and retreats across the country and overseas and have been team-teaching touch and movement therapy for over 20 years. In addition to offering live classes, Heath and Nicole are life coaches offering home study, bodywork, self-care videos, and online courses that nourish you. Try their community free for 30 days at Feel free to tap using one or both hands and include one or both sides of the body. And don't worry if you skip a point. Rather than emphasizing an exact analytical repetition, EFT practice is focused on creating a new-felt experience. Repeat until you feel a shift. The goal is to feel a decrease on your stress scale or notice a shift. We know something is shifting or changing when we feel ourselves take a big breath, sigh, yawn, or burp. Notice what shifts occur for you. You know when the tapping session is complete when you are no longer bothered by—or even forget—what you were tapping about. After you have given yourself the gift of this practice, reassess and notice. Has your stress scale number changed? Tune in to yourself and connect with your body, mind, heart—has anything shifted? Even a slight, subtle shift is a significant signal that your struggle is untangling from within to reveal and liberate the energy beneath. As you move through these steps, feel free to express your focus phrase in different ways that allow you to express the emotion you're experiencing more fully and powerfully. The more you allow yourself to feel the challenge, the more likely you will interrupt the physiological response and transform that feeling into a new experience. One of the fundamental laws of physics asserts that energy cannot be created nor destroyed, it can only be changed from one form to another. With EFT, we are alchemizing the distress and transforming it into a new feeling of f low, openness, and possibility. EFT is a simple and powerful way to tend to your well-being whenever inevitable challenges or distress arise. We are using touch, intentional affirmation, and self- ref lection bolstered by some of the most potent practices from global healing traditions and modern psychological innovation. EFT equips you to be in a balanced, powerful state, content in your Resources Church, Dawson et al. "Psychological Trauma Symptom Improvement in Veterans Using Emotional Freedom Techniques." The Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease 201, no. 2: (2013) 153– 60. jonmd/Abstract/2013/02000/ Psychological_Trauma_Symptom_ Improvement_in.14.aspx. Church, Dawson, Garret Yount, and Audrey J. Brooks. "The Effect of Emotional Freedom Techniques on Stress Biochemistry." The Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease 200, no. 10: (2012) 891–6. jonmd/Abstract/2012/10000/ The_Effect_of_Emotional_ Freedom_Techniques_on.12.aspx. Clear, James. "How Long Does It Actually Take to Form a New Habit? (Backed by Science)." Accessed June 2023. https:// Healthline. "EFT Tapping." Last modifi ed April 6, 2023. https://www.healthline. com/health/eft-tapping. VIDEO: "TAPPING OR EFT FOR SELF-CARE" 1. Open your camera 2. Scan the code 3. Tap on notification 4. Watch! SAV V Y SELF-CARE