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The HOPRS framework is a great guideline for performing client assessment. HOPRS stands for history, observation, palpation, range-of-motion and resistance testing, and special tests. Not all these elements are necessary for every situation, and assessment doesn't need to take long. But each part of HOPRS plays a different role in determining the best course of action for a client. In health care, treatment failure can often be due to a lack of investigation by the provider. When critical facets of history inf luencing a complaint are missed, a client will likely continue to suffer. Additionally, it is far more expensive for the client when a trial-and-error approach is taken versus evaluating more thoroughly. There is a reason history is the first component of this framework. A detailed client history is the most crucial part of your evaluation. Taking a thorough history is both an art and a science. 22 m a s s a g e & b o d y wo r k j u l y/a u g u s t 2 0 2 3 Capturing Clues: The Power of the History Both Art and Science, a Detailed Intake Is the Most Crucial Part of Your Evaluation TECHNIQUE By Whitney Lowe CLINICAL EXPLORATIONS KEY POINTS • Expressing a genuine interest in hearing the nature of the client's complaint is the first step to building trust between you and them. • Knowing what information to delve into is partly experience, but having a working knowledge of the most common musculoskeletal issues can help develop your investigation strategy. The history is also the beginning of the client-therapist relationship. It is how you develop rapport with your client and gain their trust in your care. Expressing a genuine interest in hearing the nature of the client's complaint is the first step to this trust. This article will explore several key factors that make for an effective client history. HISTORY TAKING: THE BASICS You likely learned the basics of history taking in massage school. These questions should include information about the client's current symptoms, recent surgeries, and medications or supplements. Always ask your clients about allergies as well, including seasonal, food, skin, and medication side effects. It is critical to ask about reactions to lotions, scents, or other things involved in your treatment. Allergies are at an all-time high, likely due to environmental reasons. It is essential not to ignore these concerns. Early in my career, I had a client who was a heavy smoker. The room reeked of cigarette smoke after the client left. I sprayed citrus air freshener to lessen the smell for my next client. Unfortunately, my next client had to cancel her appointment because she was allergic to air freshener chemicals.