Massage & Bodywork


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94 m a s s a g e & b o d y wo r k m a rc h /a p r i l 2 0 2 3 ABMP CONTINUING EDUCATION NEW ABMP CE COURSE FROM RUTH WERNER Join pathology expert Ruth Werner to review and update your knowledge about the most common kind of cancer that affects humans: skin cancer. Strengthen your identifi cation skills with a wide- ranging gallery of skin cancer examples in various stages and on various skin tones. Learn the details of each major skin cancer type, issues around skin cancer in people with skin of color, some differential diagnoses, and the vital skill of communicating your fi ndings to clients in ways that are non-alarmist and within your scope of practice. ABMP members can explore more than 750 hours of video-based content in the ABMP Education Center to learn and earn free CE on techniques, anatomy, ethics, business, and self-care. Nonmembers can purchase courses for $30 or less. Find a course you'll love at OTHER TRENDING COURSES FROM RUTH WERNER ▲ Lymphatic System: An Essential Guide to an Underrated System ▲ Blood Clots: Causes, Concerns, and Considerations ▲ Fibromyalgia: The Invisible Disease ▲ Taking the Danger Out of Endangerment Sites SKIN CANCER: BEYOND THE BASICS | 1.5 CE HOURS | RUTH WERNER PATHOLOGY LEARN AND EARN FREE CE: ABMP.COM/LEARN 1. Open your camera 2. Scan the code 3. Tap on notification 4. Learn and earn f ree CE

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