Massage & Bodywork


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L i s te n to T h e A B M P Po d c a s t a t a b m m /p o d c a s t s o r w h e reve r yo u a cce s s yo u r favo r i te p o d c a s t s 13 KNEAD TO KNOW "Human touch. Good for client; good for me." —Cynthia Antoinette Seltner "I love that moment when a muscle finally releases, and the client physically sighs with their whole body." —Timothie Burgess "I always think of being a massage therapist as making the world happier. I make someone happy and in turn they are nicer to others, and it keeps going on down the line. That's what I love about being a massage therapist. I'm making the world a better place." —Jaime Felmer Smith "I love it when clients get off my table and have the look of heaven on their faces. They are so amazed at how much mobility they have regained—relieved of their aches and pains and relaxed and refreshed, so much so that it brings some clients to tears. Knowing that I've made a difference in someone's life with my passion for what I do makes my 'why' totally worth it." —Adroit Hands by Toya LLC "The opportunity to use my gift of touch to transform the lives of many." —John Davis Want to read more? Check out the complete story at or visit ABMP's Instagram or Facebook! Be Inspired—What Is Your Favorite Thing About Being a Massage Therapist? On ABMP's social platforms, we recently asked, "What is your favorite thing about being a massage therapist?" We were flooded with answers that were both thoughtful and inspiring. The responses were too good not to share, so we compiled some of them here to further inspire others. Huna Kane HOO-nah KAH-neh noun This Hawaiian technique espouses that emotions and experiences are trapped in the fibers of each muscle group and organ in the body. Through a rhythmic massage technique where the practitioner "dances" with the forearm softly across their client's muscles while informing the client of the particular emotion being addressed (e.g., guilt, fear, anger, etc.), huna kane allows clients to reexperience that emotion and to clear it from their bodies. From this place of clarity, awareness, balance, peace, and harmony become more accessible. Huna kane is practiced on fully clothed individuals lying on a mat on the floor. ELINA FAIRY TALE/PEXELS

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