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8 m a s s a g e & b o d y wo r k n ove m b e r/d e ce m b e r 2 0 2 2 EDITOR'S NOTE 30 Years of Love But what hasn't changed is our commitment to do good work. The editor in 1992, Richard Smith, wrote in the magazine's introductory letter, "Welcome to the first issue . . . In the coming year, we will be bringing you informative articles on every massage and bodywork technique that we possibly can. Perhaps these articles will spark an interest in you to learn more about a specific technique and continue your education so as to incorporate it into your current sessions." That's certainly still what we hope to impart in each issue. The magazine experienced two more inf luential shifts over the years: one in 1998 to what you would call a modern-day magazine, and another in 2008 when we worked with a design firm to make the magazine you see before you today. There were many tweaks in the interims, and many an expert writer and educator has graced these pages with their knowledge. First and foremost, we thank them, because their thoughtful words and dedication help craft the profession and the pages of this publication each issue. Over the years, we've certainly made our share of mistakes (and you've been kind enough to point those out to us, to keep us on our toes), but we laugh at ourselves, vow to work harder, and show up daily with love of craft, all in your service. We hope you enjoy the 168th issue of Massage & Bodywork magazine. DARREN BUFORD Editor-in-Chief Autumn and winter bring about refl ection, and having now worked for Associated Bodywork & Massage Professionals (ABMP) and Massage & Bodywork magazine for 22 years, I can comfortably say that this is my life's work. Just like you, the magazine staff think about massage therapy most of our working hours: the power of touch, the service you provide to millions of clients, and developing content that will stimulate ideas, challenge you, and provide impetus for improving your care and practice. This has always been the mission of this publication. This year, we also recognize the 30th anniversary of Massage & Bodywork. In 1992, the magazine transitioned from ABMP News (which was, more or less, a newsletter) to Massage & Bodywork Quarterly, a 60- page magazine. That first issue included information about manual lymph drainage, self-assessment, and palpation skills—all information still relevant today. Since then, budgets have changed, staffing has increased, and art and design have improved.