Massage & Bodywork


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THIS ISSUE 8 Editor's Note 11 Knead to Know 92 ABMP Member Discounts 94 ABMP Continuing Education 95 10-, 20-, and 30-Year Members 96 Fitness Minute ESSENTIAL SKILLS 68 FUNCTIONAL ANATOMY Spinalis By Christy Cael 70 PATHOLOGY PERSPECTIVES Multiple Sclerosis: A Viral Complication? By Ruth Werner 76 SOMATIC RESEARCH What's the Point of History? By Sasha Chaitow, PhD 82 BLUEPRINT FOR SUCCESS The "What If" Scenario By Allissa Haines and Michael Reynolds 84 SAVVY SELF-CARE Start a Self-Care Revolution By Heath and Nicole Reed 87 TABLE LESSONS The Greater Good By Douglas Nelson 88 BACK TO BASICS The Depth of Superficial Massage By Cindy Williams 91 HEART OF BODYWORK Self-Disclosure By Laura Allen TECHNIQUE 16 THE REBEL MT What Has Two Thumbs and a Propensity to Overuse Them? By Allison Denney 18 CLINICAL EXPLORATIONS Exploring Cartilage Injuries By Whitney Lowe 24 MYOSKELETAL ALIGNMENT TECHNIQUES Bicycle Seat Neuropathy By Erik Dalton, PhD SEPTEMBER/OCTOBER 2022 4 m a s s a g e & b o d y wo r k s e p te m b e r/o c to b e r 2 0 2 2 84 82 88 Massage & Bodywork (ISSN 1544-8827; USPS 005-245) is a bimonthly magazine published by Associated Bodywork & Massage Professionals Inc., 25188 Genesee Trail Road, Suite 200, Golden CO 80401. Periodicals rate postage paid at Golden, Colorado, and additional offices. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to ABMP, 25188 Genesee Trail Road, Suite 200, Golden CO 80401.

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