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Cool Muscles Confessions of an Anatomy Geek By Dr. Joe Muscolino T The myofascial system is an incredible interweaving of tissues, the entirety of which is much greater than the sum of its parts. An analogy might be that the big picture of a jigsaw puzzle cannot be seen and appreciated until all the pieces of the puzzle are placed together in their proper relationship. In this light, each individual muscle functions as part of myofascial meridians and kinematic chains throughout the body. But each muscle also has its own role within this larger scope; therefore, there is value to explore and examine individual muscles. But which muscles to choose? Although each muscle is important to the kinematic function of the body, there are some muscles that stand out—muscles that, as an anatomy geek, I can only describe as cool. What makes them cool? They each have something that is distinctive; something extraordinary only that particular muscle possesses. Here, I offer an exploration of nine muscles on my cool list (and you'll find 11 more in thedigital version of this magazine at massageandbodyworkdigital. com). I am sure many of the ones I have chosen would also be on your list. After all, who would not put the piriformis or psoas major on this list, right? But I will also cover a few muscles that might be underappreciated—those that on deeper examination also rightfully deserve the designation of being cool. KEY POINT • Individual muscles should be explored for what makes them distinct and extraordinary, in addition to their relationship to the kinematic function of the body. 56 m a s s a g e & b o d y wo r k s e p te m b e r/o c to b e r 2 0 2 2

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