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CONTENTS features 28 MEET FR:EIA Fascia is a visible tissue, yet it is so f requently omitted f rom illustrations in our anatomy books and removed f rom cadaver dissections before any pictures are taken that few people have actually seen it. For the first time, fascia is coming into full view for everyone to see and understand through FR:EIA, the world's first whole-body, fascial-focused plastinate model. By Rachelle Clauson, Gary Carter, and Fauna Moore 40 THE FASCIAL NETWORK Based on the recognition of the importance of the fascial system as a sensory organ, practitioners are increasingly interested in understanding which exact sensory qualities are served by this rich innervation. By Robert Schleip 52 THE LYMPHATIC SYSTEM AND FASCIA Fascia is a connective tissue that is everywhere in the body. Its import has only been proven by research over the past 15 years, but each new study brings us closer to unraveling all the wonders fascia holds. One new question for us to ponder is the impact fascial manipulation might have on another powerfully subtle body network—the lymphatic system. By David Lesondak 56 COOL MUSCLES Although each muscle is important to the kinematic function of the body, there are some muscles that stand out—muscles that, as an anatomy geek, can only be described as cool. What makes them cool? They each have something that is distinctive; something extraordinary only that particular muscle possesses. By Dr. Joe Muscolino 28 L i s te n to T h e A B M P Po d c a s t a t a b m m /p o d c a s t s o r w h e reve r yo u a cce s s yo u r favo r i te p o d c a s t s 3

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