Massage & Bodywork


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Page 31 of 108

1 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 28 30 2 1. Dura mater 2. Levator scapulae 3. Neck deep fascia, superficial lamina 4. Sternohyoid 5. Deep fascia of the pectoralis major 6. Mammary gland invested in superficial fascia 7. Superficial fascia of the arm 8. Pectoralis minor, reflected 9. Antebrachial fascia 10. Pectoralis major, reflected 11. Parietal pleura/endothoracic fascia 12. Pericardium 13. Fascia of the respiratory diaphragm 14. Skin ligaments and vessels 15. Fascial window to the rectus abdominis 16. Superficial layers of the rectus sheath, reflected 17. Epimysium of the external obliques 18. Epimysium of the internal obliques 19. Epimysium of the transversus abdominis 20. Linea alba 21. Scarpa's fascia (superficial fascia membrane) 22. Inguinal canal 23. Neurovascular sheath of the femoral N.A.V. 24. Sartorius 25. Adductor canal 26. Superficial fascia of the thigh 27. Fascia lata 28. Crural fascia 29. Superficial fascia of the leg 30. Retinaculum

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