Massage & Bodywork


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ABMP CONTINUING EDUCATION 94 m a s s a g e & b o d y wo r k j u l y/a u g u s t 2 0 2 2 Learn and Earn CE in the ABMP Education Center There are over 700 hours of CE waiting for you in the ABMP Education Center! ABMP members have f ree access to courses and CE, and nonmembers can purchase courses for $30 each—or less with multi-course discounts. Our video-based online course format allows you to learn and earn CE wherever and whenever it's most convenient for you. Find a course you'll love at Learn Something New Today The ABMP Education Center offers courses on a wide variety of topics, including ethics, business, pathology, self-care, and multiple techniques and modalities. Visit today to start learning (and earning CE) from new and popular courses like these! Expand Your Practice: Strategies for Growth A Combined Approach: Hands-On and Cupping Techniques for Neck Fascia Ethics: Create a Zero-Tolerance Practice Asian Reflexology Fascia Fundamentals: What Every MT Needs to Know Touching Trauma ABMP COURSE ACCESS 1. Open your camera 2. Scan the code 3. Tap on notification 4. Watch! Teachers: 24 new courses are available to you now through Cornerstones: The ABMP Instructor Development Program! Learn more at

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