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L i s te n to T h e A B M P Po d c a s t a t a b m m /p o d c a s t s o r w h e reve r yo u a cce s s yo u r favo r i te p o d c a s t s 87 TAKEAWAY: The force of curiosity is the fuel that powers learning. Every client, every session, every day is an opportunity for assessing and reassessing, and from that comes mastery, growth, and progress for our clients and the profession. problem-solving, I kept wondering why no one else took this opportunity to learn more. Where is curiosity?" Where is curiosity? That question reverberated in my brain. I need to point out that this client had seen multiple massage therapists as well, and the interactions were not terribly satisfying. The therapists did whatever work they were trained in, and when that didn't help, suggested she see someone else. No one seemed committed to following through and solving this problem with her. This was perhaps even more powerful to me because of my interaction with the client who immediately preceded her. The previous client had complications after a knee replacement and called multiple therapists in her area but found no one willing to dive into her case nor any who seemed curious as to the exact nature of her symptoms. She ultimately drove three hours to see a wonderful therapist, who, after several sessions, suggested she connect with me, since my clinic was a shorter drive. In the clinic, every novel presentation from a client becomes an opportunity for learning and growth. This was certainly true for costochondritis, a condition I was aware of but had never seen a client who struggled with it. This opened a door of exploration that has continued to be fruitful. Having been in practice for more than 40 years, I am continually amazed at the new clinical situations I face. Writing these words, I am thinking back over the clients I have seen just this week. Several new clients presented with symptoms or presentations I had no prior experience with. As my client said, the door to learning is often opened by first admitting "I do not know." Claude Bernard, a French physiologist from the 19 th century, is sometimes attributed with saying, "It is what we think we know that prevents us from learning." It took me a long time to understand that my role isn't always to know the answer, but to deeply understand the process of how to find out. This is understandably a difficult position, as clients are seeking help from us. It is a humbling position to admit lack of knowledge, but it is the requisite first step in the process of learning and mastery. It cannot be overstated that the fuel that powers the learning journey is the force of curiosity. Every excellent therapist I have ever met is also an innately curious person. The next step in the journey is the process of discovery. I've had many (what I thought were) brilliant insights during the process of discovery. Unfortunately, many, if not most of them, didn't work when applied in the clinic. Theories and insights are easy; application is often difficult. This is the last step—implementation. That's why I love being in the clinic, testing my ideas every day in real and meaningful ways. In the process, I grow as a person and a therapist, and get to help people along the way. Douglas Nelson is the founder and principal instructor for Precision Neuromuscular Therapy Seminars, president of the 20-therapist clinic BodyWork Associates in Champaign, Illinois, and past president of the Massage Therapy Foundation. His clinic, seminars, and research endeavors explore the science behind this work. Visit or email him at