Massage & Bodywork

MAY | JUNE 2022

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96 m a s s a g e & b o d y wo r k m ay/ j u n e 2 0 2 2 FITNESS MINUTE Joint mobility is important for the entire body, but perhaps even more so for the shoulder joint. The shoulder joint provides an abundance of stability but requires full mobility for maximum function and prevention of injury. Often, we work with clients who lack shoulder mobility, leading to immobilization, stiffness, and possibly pain. The irony is that while we spend many of our sessions addressing the client's mobility in this area, our own shoulders often retract forward. Scapula mobility exercises can help us perform optimally while engaging proper scapular retraction. Try these exercises to increase shoulder mobility and stabilization. SWIMMER'S HOVERS This mobility move focuses on the posterior shoulders and the upper back. Lying prone, keep your forehead touching the fl oor as you lift your arms above your head. Slowly move your arms down and around toward your lower back (as though making a snow angel), noticing the shoulder blades being squeezed together as the arms go behind the back. Hold for a pause while internally rotating the arms. Reverse the movement until your arms are above your head. Perform fi ve repetitions. Y-T-W This trio combo will engage the entire upper body while focusing on the rotator cuff. Lying prone, keep your forehead touching the fl oor the entire time. Raise your arms above your head, resembling a Bodyweight Scapula Mobility Exercises By Marisa Savino, LMT and Personal Trainer Test Your Shoulder Mobility 1. Raise one arm straight up over your head. 2. Bend that same arm as you place your palm on your upper back (fi ngers pointing downward toward the feet). 3. Using the opposing arm, bend the arm and reach behind your back. 4. Begin to slide your right hand down the back, while at the same time reaching your left arm up the back to try and meet each other. 5. Slowly perform this so you can continue to test your shoulder mobility without straining. 6. You may or may not be able to touch your hands. Make note of the distance between your fi ngertips, and then switch sides to perform on the opposing arm. Y shape. Return your arms to the ground, then move them to resemble a T, lifting your arms up, and then back down. Lastly, position your arms to resemble a W and lift. Repeat 3–5 times. SHOULDER CONTROLLED ARTICULAR ROTATIONS (CAR) Note: Make these movements slowly as you feel the increase in tension. Aim to make larger circles as you perform these moves. Perform these pre- or post-work shifts. While standing, make a fi st with your arm by your side and the thumb facing forward. Slowly, begin to lift your arm in front of your body as you begin a circular motion from front to back. Once your arm is above your shoulder, rotate your arm, so that your fi st is facing outward before lowering it behind you. Follow the same movement pattern in reverse order to return to the starting position. Repeat 3–5 times and then perform with the other arm. SCAPULAR CAR This move can be done standing or seated. Put one arm out in front of you at shoulder height. For a visualization cue, imagine reaching out for a handshake, then shrug, rolling your shoulder back, and then drop it down. Keep everything neutral, including your neck. Repeat fi ve times and then perform with the opposing arm. Marisa Savino is a New Jersey-based massage therapist and fi tness professional with a bachelor's degree in exercise science and psychology. Combining the knowledge of these two disciplines allows her to help prevent injuries and be better able to address the whole health of a client. Learn more at msfi and follow her on Instagram triss. VIDEO: "SCAPULA MOBILITY EXERCISES FOR MASSAGE THERAPISTS" 1. Open your camera 2. Scan the code 3. Tap on notification 4. Watch!

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