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CONTENTS features 30 HERBAL BLISS Although herbal compress therapy is mostly known through its association with traditional Thai massage performed on a fl oor mat, it can also be used with great success in Western table work. This article serves as an introduction to Thai herbal healing traditions with the hope of inspiring more MTs to study and use them in professional practice. By Bob Haddad 38 DISCOVERING LIVING METTA IN THAILAND Thai massage is steeped in the rich history of Thailand, offering modalities that can complement your massage practice. Learn three techniques to grow your "metta." By Heath and Nicole Reed 44 MOBILE MASSAGE PRACTICE SAFETY Many massage therapists are leery about going into a stranger's home. But learn f rom this mobile veteran about safety protocols to ensure you're accepting law-abiding clients. Her seven screening questions are essential to determine whether a potential client is one you want to see. By Michelle Roos 50 THE FUTURE OF ADVANCED CREDENTIALING Even though our profession is miles ahead of where it was three or more decades ago, the fi eld still has growing pains. One of those is the possibility of tiered licensure vs. college degrees vs. alternative credentialing. This article explores these differences and posits options as potential solutions. By Whitney Lowe 56 DEBORAH SZEKELY—MOTHER OF THE MODERN SPA She is the "godmother of wellness," "the mother of the modern spa," and a pioneer in the mind-body-spirit movement. Meet 100-year-old Deborah Szekely as she recounts the trials and tribulations of building two of the most famous destination spas in the world—Rancho La Puerta and Golden Door. By Karrie Osborn 60 MYOFASCIAL RELEASE THERAPY FOR ANIMALS Thanks to continuing education seminars with Leon Chaitow and Mark Barnes, this author's animal clients benefi ted f rom the fascia research being done on humans. For all the similarities between human and animal clients, though, there are some signifi cant differences. By Lola Michelin 30 L i s te n to T h e A B M P Po d c a s t a t a b m m /p o d c a s t s o r w h e reve r yo u a cce s s yo u r favo r i te p o d c a s t s 3 YAROSL AV DANYLCHENKO/STOCKSY

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