There are over 700 hours of CE waiting
for you in ABMP's Education Center!
ABMP members have f ree access to courses and CE, and nonmembers can purchases courses for $30
each—or less with multi-course discounts. Our video-based online course format allows you to learn and
earn CE wherever and whenever it's most convenient for you. Find a course you'll love at
94 m a s s a g e & b o d y wo r k j a n u a r y/ fe b r u a r y 2 0 2 2
Save the Date: Join us at the
2022 ABMP CE Summit on
Monday, March 21, 2022. Learn
more at
2021 ABMP CE Summit Courses
Discover the most recent additions to our online CE library: the six courses featured during the
2021 ABMP CE Summit. Course access is free for ABMP members and available for nonmember
purchase for $30 each or $99 for the six-course package.
A Global Approach to the Knee
Easing Pregnancy Pain
Asian Refl exology
Funky Necks, TOS, and Arm Pain
Cupping with Movement for
Upper-Body Conditions
Thinking About Thinking: Critical
Thinking Explored
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