Massage & Bodywork


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12 m a s s a g e & b o d y wo r k j u l y/a u g u s t 2 0 2 1 When Ben Benjamin, PhD, is not traveling across the country teaching therapists how to assess and treat injuries or giving expert testimony, he's studying something new, whether it's how to coach organizational teams or a dance he loves called Casino. David M. Lobenstine is more grateful than ever, amid the pain of social distancing, for this community of massage therapists. He says, "Let's take care of ourselves, and each other, so that we can take even better care of our clients when the time comes." Joyce Gauthier is a New York State licensed massage therapist. She owned a successful medical massage practice in a chiropractic offi ce for seven years before following her dream of traveling full time. Her current residence is Gavia, a 42-foot sailing ketch, accompanied by her wonderful husband, Matthew, and a lazy shih tzu named Loki. Heath and Nicole Reed are co-founders of Living Metta and want everyone in the world to enjoy the experience of befriending their body. The Reeds lead workshops and retreats across the country and overseas and have been team-teaching touch and movement therapy for 16 years. With his passion for dancing between wind and water, Thomas Myers compares a sailboat's rigging with the tensile structures that balance the human body. He lives, writes, teaches, and, when he can, sails the coast of Maine. CONTRIBUTORS 62 70 74 52 44

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