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NEWS NOTES compiled by Brandon Twyford Editor, Online and Digital Strategy | C h e c k o u t A B M P P o c k e t P a t h o l o g y a t w w w. a b m p . c o m / a b m p - p o c k e t - p a t h o l o g y - a p p . 15 REGISTRATION OPEN: NATIONAL CONFERENCE FOR REFLEXOLOGY & BODYWORK PRACTITIONERS The National Conference for Refl exology & Bodywork Practitioners is scheduled for February 26–28, 2021, at the Maritime Conference Center in Baltimore, Maryland. This conference is devoted to designing, maintaining, and growing your business. Conference presenters are fl uent in technology, marketing, body mechanics, and hand and thumb health. Participants will have access to the presenters during breakout sessions to refi ne what was taught in the general session. For more information, visit www.nationalrefl ABMP MEMBERS CAN JOIN IRENE DIAMOND'S MONTHLY COACHING CALLS FOR FREE As an ABMP member, you are invited to join master business-acceleration coach Irene Diamond—at no cost—on her monthly "Client Creation & Marketing" group coaching calls. Meant for therapists and clinics, these calls promise to guide you through this challenging time to "Master the Disaster." Diamond's calls will help set you up for success in your business, especially if you're practicing virtually while your physical doors are closed and you want to be ready to hit the ground running once your doors are open. Register to join Diamond's group coaching calls at COLOR UP ADDS WELLNESS EDUCATION TRACK TO CANNABIS MASTER PROGRAM Color Up is committed to being the leader in cannabis education and has moved forward with its new education track. The Cannabis Master Program for the Spa Professional now has three tracks: estheticians and massage therapists (both launched in 2019) and now wellness professionals. To date, more than 800 professionals have signed up for the program. Created to educate wellness professionals including yogis, fi tness instructors, nutritionists, holistic practitioners, etc., the newest wellness track focuses on the natural benefi ts of incorporating CBD into professional and personal practices. This self-led, online course includes Color Up's core classes on the history of cannabis, modern- day uses, and the science behind its effi cacy in partnership with the endocannabinoid system. New classes in the wellness track include: • Compassion, Connection & CBD: The Central Nervous System Response • Cough, Cold & Flu: Can Cannabinoids Help Us Heal? • Social Phobias & CBD • Athletes, Weekend Warriors & CBD • Insomnia & CBD • CBD & Traveling Through the end of the year, Color Up is offering a special rate to those who register for the newest wellness course, and practitioners who successfully complete the course receive a certifi cate of attendance. For more information about the Cannabis Master Program, visit or contact Emily Davis at and/or Liz Aigner at