Massage & Bodywork


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ON THE WEB Ta k e 5 a n d t r y A B M P F i v e - M i n u t e M u s c l e s a t w w w. a b m p . c o m / f i v e - m i n u t e - m u s c l e s . 13 BLOG POSTS BODY SENSE EXPLORE THE NEW ABMP EDUCATION CENTER! We're excited to bring you your new ABMP Education Center, full of enhancements to improve your learning experience. Watch a demo video to get started, or just jump in to search, fi lter, and bookmark courses. Explore your new ABMP Education Center today and earn free CE! STAYING STABLE BY BEING VARIABLE In this blog post, Ruth Werner explains the concept of "adaptive capacity" and its applications for massage and bodywork. MASSAGE TECHNIQUES AND PALPATION GUIDE FOR THE PSOAS MAJOR The multidimensional psoas can be the undiagnosed culprit for low- back, hip joint, knee, or pelvic pain, but accessing it requires advanced knowledge of anatomy and assessment. KEYNOTE SPEAKER ANNOUNCED FOR 2020 ABMP SCHOOL FORUM Dr. Steven G. Buzinski of the University of North Carolina will be presenting "The Social Cognitive Barriers to Learning, and What We Can Do About Them" at the 2020 ABMP School Forum, taking place April 17–18, 2020, at the Carolina Inn in Chapel Hill, North Carolina. CONTINUING EDUCATION The Winter 2019 issue of Body Sense, ABMP's digital consumer education magazine, is now available for you to read and share with your clients to educate them on the benefi ts of frequent massage and bodywork. This issue features articles on new massage experiences, reducing skin cancer risk, and self-care for the feet. Share the new issue with your clients today: TOP FIVE ABMP COURSES OF 2019 These fi ve courses were members' favorites in 2019. Visit to discover your next favorite course, and start learning and earning free CE! • "A Detailed Approach to Low-Back Pain" with Allison Denney • "Ethics: Preventing Sexual Misconduct in Massage Therapy" with Ben Benjamin • "Stretching the Neck" with Joe Muscolino • "Ayurvedic Holistic Philosophy and Chakra System" with Marc Zollicoffer • "Myofascial Techniques: Sciatica, A New Look" with Til Luchau LEARN AND EARN FREE CE! WATCH A DEMO Explore your new ABMP Education Center.

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