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10 m a s s a g e & b o d y w o r k m a r c h / a p r i l 2 0 2 0 Kristen Burkholder is a singer, writer, devoted introvert, and enthusiastic episcopalian, and she loves her 12-step meetings. She wishes that being a Reiki Master meant she could make lightsaber noises in session, but she opts for being professional rather than just plain silly (mostly). Ellen Jaskol is a two-time Pulitzer Prize-winning photographer, starting out at the UCLA Daily Bruin in college, then the Los Angeles Times and the Rocky Mountain News in Denver. Since the Rocky's closure in 2009, she's been staying busy running her own photo business. Kerry Jordan loves forests and oceans, animals and books. She enjoys cooking almost as much as she enjoys eating. Kerry is a big fan of the idea that you should take care of your body because it's the only place you really get to live. Kate Mackinnon is never far from the element of water during her day: starting with an early morning swim followed by some turbulence as she navigates getting her middle school twins off to school. She fi nds deep peace diving down to listen to the whales. Robyn Scherr is achieving unexpected personal growth through house projects: the meditative rhythm of nailing door trim, the calm focus and inner balance required when high on a ladder pruning a tree, the hard- won emotional equilibrium cultivated when nothing (&%# it!) goes according to plan. When Ben Benjamin, PhD, is not traveling across the country teaching therapists how to assess and treat injuries or giving expert testimony, he's studying something new, whether it's how to coach organizational teams or a dance he loves called Casino. CONTRIBUTORS 54 76 60 68 68 54