Massage & Bodywork


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Color Up Therapeutics ABMP members receive 40 percent off CBD online education! The Color Up Cannabis Master Program is an online course on cannabis designed for both professionals and students. Learn why CBD body care facilitates healing for body, mind, and spirit, and how to incorporate products into your treatment room to enhance results. To view all your discounts, log in to ABMP MEMBER BENEFITS At Peace Media ABMP members save 20 percent on monthly massage music subscriptions through sighTUNES. Brought to you by At Peace Media, the 10-hour music mix is refreshed on a monthly basis, so you'll have exclusive music in your treatment room or anywhere you go. Available on your smartphone, tablet, or computer. ABMP Certifi ed members get a free music download from At Peace Media each year. The current offering is Celtic Reiki by Chris Conway and Llewellyn. Log in to your account at for instructions on accessing your free download. Massage & Bodywork (ISSN 1544-8827; USPS 005-245) is a bimonthly magazine published by Associated Bodywork & Massage Professionals Inc., 25188 Genesee Trail Road, Suite 200, Golden CO 80401. Periodicals rate postage paid at Golden, Colorado, and additional offi ces. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to ABMP, 25188 Genesee Trail Road, Suite 200, Golden CO 80401. Vol. #35, Issue #2 March/April 2020. All rights reserved © 2019. Save on tax preparation services, plus two new discounts! H&R Block Let the professionals at H&R Block take the stress out of fi ling your taxes this year. ABMP members get discounts on tax preparation services through H&R Block, a full-service tax preparation provider offering in-offi ce, online, and software solutions. MOO Printing MOO is an online print and design company that loves great design and believes it can work wonders for every business, no matter their size. That's why they make it simple for their customers to create beautiful, expertly crafted business stationery and promotional materials that start conversations and open doors. ABMP members receive a 15 percent discount. NEW NEW

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