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18 m a s s a g e & b o d y w o r k j a n u a r y / f e b r u a r y 2 0 2 0 BLUEPRINT FOR SUCCESS best practices Money: It's a force for both good and evil. Money, or the lack of it, can cause stress, joy, fear, and comfort. It's a loaded topic, especially for creative business owners, and is worthy of our mindfulness. Learning how to be mindful of—and manage—money is one of the most valuable skills to develop. Those who manage money intentionally, mindfully, and gain financial literacy have a distinct advantage in business and in life. Financial literacy is essential to moving from being a hobbyist who does massage for fun to becoming a professional business owner who performs bodywork to earn a living. Financial literacy is where your massage business stops being a philosophical idea and starts becoming an entity that gives you professional enjoyment and financial security. Financial literacy is you owning your worth. Financial literacy is you no longer accepting that "money stuff is hard," with the shoulder shrug that often accompanies caregiving and artistic careers. FINANCIAL LITERACY: OUR FOCUS FOR 2020 Understanding money and how it works is deeply empowering, and we know you are absolutely capable of running a financially strong business. That is why we are dedicating our 2020 Blueprint for Success columns to financial literacy. Within this Mind Your Money 2020 Financial Literacy Series, we'll provide you a step-by-step framework to help build and flex your financial muscles—to help you mind your money—because we want you to feel more confident and competent in your business. As we move through the year, you'll find links to each column and all the supporting videos and resources at It's Time to Get Your Accounts in Order By Allissa Haines and Michael Reynolds 2020