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Ta k e 5 a n d t r y A B M P F i v e - M i n u t e M u s c l e s a t w w w. a b m p . c o m / f i v e - m i n u t e - m u s c l e s . 27 TABLE LESSONS best practices Action-Specific Pain Provides Clues to Actionable Treatment Plans By Douglas Nelson "I am a bit astonished," my client Dr. R. said. "I didn't expect to have this much improvement after just one session. I guess I thought massage could only provide temporary improvement. Instead, I was pain- free after the second day. That's amazing." "I'm thrilled for you," I responded. "Could you define for me what you mean by 'pain-free'?" She looked a bit puzzled, and then described her experience. "Before the session, my hip hurt almost constantly. I was worried I had arthritis or something. It was often painful to get up after sitting for an extended period. The worst pain of all was running, which I simply had to stop doing. I have a very busy life and running is an extremely efficient form of exercise that doesn't take too much time. I miss getting out there." To begin the session, I asked Dr. R. to sit on the massage table while I examined her gluteus medius, the major focus of the first session. Addressing the same area of the muscle I found sensitive a week earlier, I discovered a focal area of tissue restriction. "Wow, that's really sensitive," she said. "I'm surprised how much that hurts! I thought the stuff you found in our first session would be totally gone since I don't have the pain anymore. What's up with that?"

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