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18 m a s s a g e & b o d y w o r k n o v e m b e r / d e c e m b e r 2 0 1 9 BLUEPRINT FOR SUCCESS best practices A big plant; a tall shelf with a lamp and some pictures; or just a bright, clean corner making your space feel open and light—all things that could replace that ugly file cabinet in your office. Because even nice file cabinets are still kind of ugly. Can you imagine a paperless, or even just a paper- reduced, office? It can be a tough concept to envision because, as small business owners, we are inundated with paper. Brochures, business cards, client files, bills, contracts, owner's manuals, warranties, permits, licenses, insurance policies, tax returns, and on and on and on. So. Much. Paper! Paper accumulation starts slowly, but it seems to build quickly. After a few years of practice, you end up with a full file cabinet, then full file boxes, then stacks of boxes, and it's … overwhelming. There is another way, though, and technology is helping—by continuously improving to meet our docu-storage needs. We are not suggesting you shred all your documents and never touch paper again. Even if you're firmly in the "I'll always use paper for my client charts!" camp, read on. We've got plenty of other ways you can reduce the paper in your business. What follows is a variety of ideas on how you can reduce the paper load and create a system that suits your style and storage space accordingly. The Art of Saying No—to Paper By Allissa Haines and Michael Reynolds

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