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NEWS NOTES compiled by Brandon Twyford Editor, Online and Digital Strategy | GSN ANNOUNCES PLEDGE FOR THE PLANET CAMPAIGN Green Spa Network (GSN) announced its Pledge for the Planet campaign to encourage the wellness industry to commit to eight principles of environmental sustainability by Earth Day 2020. Understanding that green principles, products, and technologies are continually evolving, the Pledge for the Planet campaign is an eight-point plan to remain responsive to these developments and apply "best environmental practices" in ways that will make a difference for the spa, hospitality, and wellness industry. The purpose of this pledge is to commit to the following by Earth Day 2020: • Personally pledging at home to the eight principles of sustainability—limiting plastics, reducing water usage, recycling, switching to alternative energy, planting trees, choosing organic food and products, reducing meat and dairy consumption, and sharing education and resources. • Practicing leadership in your workplace by bringing the pledge and its principles to your colleagues and team members. • Influencing your community by sharing what you are doing via social media with the hashtags #bethechange and #pledgefortheplanet. The wellness community can review and sign the Pledge for the Planet at MASSAGE & BODYWORK NAMED FINALIST FOR TWO FOLIO AWARDS We're excited to announce that two of our PAC publications, Massage & Bodywork and ASCP Skin Deep, were named finalists for the 2019 Folio awards. Massage & Bodywork is a finalist for: • Overall Design Excellence • Overall Editorial Excellence ASCP Skin Deep is a finalist for: • Overall Design Excellence The Eddie & Ozzie Awards recognize excellence in uncompromising journalism and dynamic design across all sectors of the publishing industry. The winners will be announced October 30, 2019, in New York. SPA INDUSTRY REACHES RECORD-SETTING $18.3 BILLION REVENUE MARK The International SPA Association (ISPA) released its 20th anniversary edition of the "ISPA US Spa Industry Study," which shows nine years of steady growth and continued increases in all key financial indicators. The ISPA Foundation commissioned PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC) to conduct the study, which presents what is known as the "Big Five" spa statistics: total revenue, spa visits, spa locations, revenue per visit, and number of employees for the US spa industry. "The spa industry continues to prove itself as a thriving market, perfect for anyone looking to enter an industry with limitless potential," says ISPA President Lynne McNees. Most notably from this study, total revenue passed the $18 billion mark in 2018, increasing from $17.5 billion in 2017 to $18.3 billion in 2018, a 4.7 percent increase. The increase in spa revenue was driven by growth in revenue per visit, increasing from $93.70 in 2017 to $96.50 in 2018, a 3 percent increase. The number of spa visits also saw a rise from 187 million in 2017 to 190 million in 2018. Additionally, the number of spa locations increased 1.8 percent from 21,770 in 2017 to 22,160 in 2018. "The number of spas is at an all-time record. There are now more than 22,000 across the country, continuing to expand its footprint," says Colin McIlheney, Global Research Director, PwC. Visit for more information. march/april 2018 S A L V E F O R T H E S O U L TOUCH FOR FRAIL CLIENTS "De-Rotator" Muscles By Joseph E. Muscolino, DC p. 82 Special Section: Rise Above Squamous Cell Carcinoma Guyon's Canal Syndrome The Tax Rules Are A-Changin' + Special Section: Rise Above + Special Section: Rise Above T H E I N T E G R I T Y O F H O S P I C E M A S S A G E B Y I R E N E S M I T H + B U I L D A P R A C T I C E F O R O L D E R A D U L T S + T H E B R E A K A B I L I T Y O F U S A L L S A L V E F O R Ta k e 5 a n d t r y A B M P F i v e - M i n u t e M u s c l e s a t w w w. a b m p . c o m / f i v e - m i n u t e - m u s c l e s . 17

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