Massage & Bodywork


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ON THE WEB Ta k e 5 a n d t r y A B M P F i v e - M i n u t e M u s c l e s a t w w w. a b m p . c o m / f i v e - m i n u t e - m u s c l e s . 13 BLOG POSTS ABMP BODY SENSE MASSAGETHERAPY.COM AUGUST'S TOP 5 ABMP WEBINARS 1. "A Detailed Approach to Low- Back Pain" with Allison Denney 2. "Ethics: Preventing Sexual Misconduct in Massage Therapy" with Ben Benjamin 3. "The Challenge of Upper Extremity Overuse Disorders" with Whitney Lowe 4. "Maintaining Sexual Ethics: Part 1— Key Concepts" with Anne Williams 5. "Fibromyalgia: The Invisible Disease" with Ruth Werner GOODBYE HAROLD Harold Dull, the creator of Watsu, died peacefully in his sleep on July 31, 2019, at his home in Berkley, California. A simple Tibetan ceremony was held to honor Harold; additional plans include a memorial spreading of his ashes in 2020. CAN "MARY" HELP YOUR PRACTICE? "Mary" is female, in her 40s, has a master's degree, and she and her spouse make more than $75,000 annually combined. Chances are Mary is a bodywork client. IMPROVING YOUR TRANSACTIONAL EMAIL SKILLS WITH ALLISSA HAINES Allissa Haines loves email. Specifi cally, she loves transactional emails, the one-on-one communications with her clients and colleagues. Body Sense magazine is designed to educate consumers on the lasting benefi ts of frequent massage and bodywork and the value of good stress management. The Autumn 2019 issue features articles on bodywork for caregivers, whether clients should cancel when they're ill, relief for tennis elbow, and more. Share the new issue with your clients today. is your one-stop shop for all things bodywork, where you can read technique articles and explore a new modality. CONTINUING EDUCATION New Webinar! "Stretching the Piriformis" with Joe Muscolino A public education magazine brought to you by ABMP autumn 2019 Body Sense Self-Care and Massage Bodywork for Caregivers Tennis Elbow Relief Meditation Quieting a Busy Mind Colds and Cancellations

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