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I complement my part-time private practice with teaching yin yoga and being a holistic doula. The knowledge I've obtained from all three bodies of work very easily transfers straight into the others and I have organically captured clients for all three practices by osmosis through the others. It's really beautiful and keeps the bills paid! AMBER DANKS Other than massage, I am an aquatics professional—managing lifeguards, lifeguarding, and teaching swim lessons and Red Cross classes. I have set days I do each job, some days going from one to the other and other days only working one job. I usually only have one day off a week. I like being in aquatics; I get to interact with a lot of people, and I like the unique privilege of being a massage therapist, helping people relax and improve their health. MARTIN MOHR My massage business is a part-time job. I started working as an offi ce manager and billing specialist for a chiropractor. Through this job, I learned more about massage and was encouraged to go to massage school. It is a wonderful balance between my logical brain and compassionate/energy brain. I Only 18 percent of the US population receives a massage each year. How do we increase that percentage? Publication Date: Nov/Dec 2019 Have you, can you (legally), or do you plan on using CBD lotions/ oils/cremes in your massage and bodywork practice? If yes, why? If no, why not? Publication Date: Jan/Feb 2020 Email your responses to Your submission can be as short as you'd like and up to 250 words. Upcoming Topics SPEAK YOUR MIND If massage therapy is a part-time job for you, do you complement it with another career? In what? How do you make it work? do not have a need for advertising because the chiropractor recommends me and I also recommend my clients to her. My calendar is full and thriving after two years in practice. The chiropractor also helps with my continuing need for self-education. It is truly a perfect situation for me. MARA HAYES FROM FACEBOOK I am mostly a full-time LMT and run my own business. I am also a part-time cellist. I teach lessons one afternoon/ evening a week and play weddings and orchestral performances. I have a degree in music and have been involved in music for a long time. I went to massage school at age 48. I'm now 63 and hoping to stay in the business a few more years. JODIE EIKNER FUENTES I did this for far too long—to my detriment. In addition to being an LMT, I worked as a professional groomer for a horse trainer and as the board chair of a nonprofi t organization. My career did not really take off until I took off Ta k e 5 a n d t r y A B M P F i v e - M i n u t e M u s c l e s a t w w w. a b m p . c o m / f i v e - m i n u t e - m u s c l e s . 15 all my other hats and focused entirely on my practice. I would not recommend multiple careers to new practitioners unless there are no fi nancial alternatives. Perhaps later, with a fi rmly established practice, there is more bandwidth and energy for multiple career tracks. KYLE PUTNAM I have to do massage part time or I wouldn't be able to do it. Really keeps me from getting burned out too. I help my dad farm and have my own practice, so I can make my own schedule and can work more or less days depending on the busy farming season. STINE-LISE DECKER I manage a wine-tasting room on the weekends. I fi nd balance doing massage and pouring wine. I have my fun social time with wine and then have more serious time when I see my massage clients during the week. KATE STARGAZER