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ON THE WEB Ta k e 5 a n d t r y A B M P F i v e - M i n u t e M u s c l e s a t w w w. a b m p . c o m / f i v e - m i n u t e - m u s c l e s . 13 DIGITAL-ONLY COLUMN: THE REBEL MT The Rebel MT ( is our new digital-only column. Appearing exclusively in the digital edition of Massage & Bodywork magazine, Allison Denney, a.k.a. The Rebel MT, is not your everyday massage therapist. With an often irreverent and always entertaining take on massage and bodywork, Denney is passionate about introducing new tools and techniques to practitioners to enhance their practices. CONTINUING EDUCATION New Webinars in the ABMP Education Center! UPDATE ON WATSU CREATOR HAROLD DULL ABMP wanted to share an update on our dear friend Harold Dull, the creator of Watsu. Since our last visit with Harold for the July/August 2018 issue of Massage & Bodywork, his health took a turn. Shortly after featuring Harold in that issue, and photographing him in the pool for one of the last times, a tumor was discovered and he underwent a laryngectomy, which required him to breathe through a stoma in his throat. Since September 2018, Harold has been unable to speak, drink, or eat. And sadly, has been unable to go back into a pool. At the time, Harold wrote us: "The support of my family and my Water Family has been great." Most recently, we've learned that Harold is in hospice care at his home, with his wife, Pavana, by his side. Please keep the Dull family in your thoughts, and feel free to visit this link to show your support: A DETAILED APPROACH TO LOW-BACK PAIN WITH ALLISON DENNEY Join Allison Denney of Rebel Massage for a dynamic webinar that takes an in-depth look at the muscles, structures, and common dysfunctions of the lumbar region while putting the "fun" in functional anatomy. Detailed muscles painted on a client show the relationship between where the muscles are, what they do, and how they most often create a pain response. STRETCHING THE NECK WITH JOE MUSCOLINO, DC Join Joe Muscolino for a comprehensive course on stretching the neck. An emphasis is placed on optimal body mechanics and client positioning while performing multiple techniques, including static stretching, dynamic stretching, pin and stretch, contract-relax, and agonist-contract. OVERCOMING THE CHALLENGES OF MODERN CLASSROOM MANAGEMENT WITH ANNE WILLIAMS This webinar looks at practical ways to address disruptive classroom behaviors so we can take the emphasis off the chaos and put it back on the learning. BLOG POST MASSAGEANDBODYWORKDIGITAL.COM

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