Massage & Bodywork


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DISPLAY SHOWCASE 106 m a s s a g e & b o d y w o r k s e p t e m b e r / o c t o b e r 2 0 1 9 Embodying Loving Kindness and Presence Join us at ► Live Workshops ► Thailand Adventure ► Conscious Communication ► Home Study ► Retreats ► Self-Care Videos LivingMe a Featured Courses Title CE Hours Cost Sale Cupping Therapy 18 $200 $160 CranioSacral Therapy 10 $115 $92 Refl exology Basics 6 $65 $52 Research Education 3 $35 $28 Ethics Refresher 3 $35 $28 relax Obtaining CE hours is more convenient than ever! 866-784-5940 80+ Courses Online Now! View our comprehensive library of CE courses at ABMP Members save 20% off your next order. Use code ABMP20 1. Purchase 2. Test Online or On Paper 3. Receive Your Certifi cate Receive Your Receive Your Receive Your Receive Your Receive Your Receive Your Receive Your Receive Your Receive Your Receive Your Receive Your Receive Your ASHIATSU BAREFOOT MASSAGE HIGHLY EFFECTIVE, MUTUALLY BENEFICIAL. STEP INTO THE NEXT LEVEL OF YOUR CAREER. Long lasting results for your clients. Long lasting career for you.

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