Massage & Bodywork

MAY | JUNE 2019

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ON THE WEB CONSUMER EDUCATION INTRODUCING ABMP FIVE-MINUTE MUSCLES! ABMP Five-Minute Muscles is an exciting new members-only resource that lets massage therapists and bodyworkers quickly and easily refresh their muscle knowledge wherever and whenever with just a few clicks. Covering the seven muscle regions and 83 muscles most often addressed by professional massage therapists (according to a comprehensive review by the Entry-Level Analysis Project), you'll have origins/insertions/actions at your fi ngertips, plus helpful palpation and technique videos—for each muscle—from master massage therapist Clint Chandler. "If you have been in practice for a long time, the details of muscle origins, insertions, and actions can get rusty," says Anne Williams, director of education for ABMP. "ABMP Five-Minute Muscles makes it quick, easy, and fun so that muscle review fi ts into the margins of a busy day." Access ABMP Five-Minute Muscles at fi ve-minute-muscles. Top muscles for the fi rst month of 5MM for each region: 1. Head, Neck, and Jaw: Levator scapulae 2. Shoulder and Arm: Biceps brachii 3. Pelvis and Hip: Psoas major 4. Spine and Thorax: Quadratus lumborum 5. Leg, Ankle, and Foot: Peroneus longus 6. Thigh and Knee: Sartorius 7. Forearm, Wrist, and Hand: Brachioradialis BODY SENSE Body Sense magazine is designed to educate consumers on the lasting benefi ts of frequent massage and bodywork and the value of good stress management. Share the latest issue with your clients today! NEW ABMP MEMBER BENEFIT ve-minute-muscles Ta k e 5 a n d t r y A B M P F i v e - M i n u t e M u s c l e s a t w w w. a b m p . c o m / f i v e - m i n u t e - m u s c l e s . 17

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