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march/april 2013 46 110 52 in every issue 8Editor's Note/Contributors 11Reader Forum 13A Touch of Humor 15Speak Your Mind 18News Notes 20Tell Me: Tech Gadgets 23Ten for Today: Aromatherapy 119Happenings 120New Products 122Education Resource Listing 123Classifieds 125 Display Showcase 126Ad Index 127Inspiration & Insight Columns best practices 26 BUSINESS SIDE Dos/Don'ts of a Thriving Practice By Les Sweeney & Kristin Coverly 31 Q & Art Working at the End Range of Motion By Art Riggs 35TABLE LESSONS Knowledge is Power By Douglas Nelson 39SAVVY SELF-CARE Good Riddance, Gluten By Linda Knittel technique 100 CLASSROOM TO CLIENT Asian Bodywork Therapy By Anne Williams 106@WORK Military Personnel Injuries By Whitney Lowe 110ENERGY WORK The Heart Center By Ann Marie Chiasson 114 MYOFASCIAL TECHNIQUES Working with the Shoe-Bound Arch By Til Luchau education 42PATHOLOGY PERSPECTIVES Pervasive Pain By Ruth Werner 46 BODY AWARENESS Wheelchair-Bound Clients By Barb Frye 49 FUNCTIONAL ANATOMY Pectineus By Christy Cael 52SOMATIC RESEARCH Why Does Touch Feel Good? By Diana L. Thompson 31 15