Massage & Bodywork

March/April 2013

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news notes Massage Therapy Foundation Names President-Elect Jerrilyn Cambron, DO, PhD, has been named the president-elect of the Massage Therapy Foundation (MTF) and will begin serving her two-year term as president in 2014. Cambron has served as the vice president of the MTF, and as a board member, in addition to her role on the faculty of the National University of Health Sciences. "The MTF's work is very exciting," says Cambron, a licensed massage therapist and member of Associated Bodywork & Massage Professionals (ABMP). "We have the International Massage Therapy Research Conference coming up [April 25–27 in Boston, Massachusetts] and The International Journal of Therapeutic Massage and Bodywork, which is indexed in and available free to the profession. The foundation is also excited to work with ABMP through the How to Write a Case Report webinar series and the Teaching Research Literacy courses." For more information, go to Lomi Lomi Retreats Massage Therapy Foundation President Ruth Werner (left) and President-Elect Jerrilyn Cambron (right). Week Long Introduction To A Multi-Dimemsional Cultural Artform. May 10-16, 2013 • September 2-8, 2013 • October 25-31, 2013 Massage Protocol Developed for Clinical Trials Lomi Massage Fundamentals & Lomi 'ili Hot Stones Therapy Retreat Advanced Lomi Retreat Week Deep Focus On Freeing Structural Limitations For Realignment. N May 20-26, 2013 • November 4-10, 2013 Lomi Immersion Program September 2013 175 Hour Month Long Residential Retreat Integrating the Sacred Art of Hawaiian Healing Bodywork. Our course is a full embodiment of ancestral wisdom, hands-on-healing and personal empowerment. Additional Lomi Courses • Kua Lua Lomi Hawaiian - Back Walking Techniques. •H Hawaiian Spa Course Incorporating Native Herbal Medicinal Concepts. • Four Hand Lomi Lomi - Tandem Massage. • Pregnancy Lomi, Side Lying and Seated Techniques. 18 massage & bodywork march/april 2013 In an effort to create a standardized, reproducible process for use in clinical trials, researchers have created a massage protocol for osteoarthritis based on Swedish massage techniques. According to the paper "Development of a Manualized Protocol of Massage Therapy for Clinical Trials in Osteoarthritis," massage poses a challenge for clinical trials as it is "often practitioner-dependent as well as patient-oriented." In trials using the protocol, clients with osteoarthritis of the knee showed more improvement from a 60-minute "dose" of the protocol compared to 30 minutes. The full text of the paper is available at pdf/1745-6215-13-185.pdf.

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