Massage & Bodywork

March/April 2013

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Discounts For ABMP Members To access the websites of discount providers, log in to and scroll down to "Discounts for Members." H&R Block Constant Contact. Easy, email marketing to keep you connected with your customers. Receive 20% off when you prepay for six months of service, or 25% off when you prepay for one year: 800-221-2701. Full Slate. Up to 40% off online scheduling software; free trial: 888-489-6543; abmp. Back by popular demand, H&R Block is once again offering ABMP members a $15 discount off tax preparation, along with 35 percent off its federal DIY service, H&R Block At Home. Print the coupon at Journal of Bodywork & Movement Therapies. Discounted individual subscriptions: 877-839-7126. Liberty Mutual. Discounted home and auto insurance: 800-524-9400. T-Mobile. Discounted services and equipment. Get your promotional code at UMB Visa® Credit Card. No annual fee, low introductory APR, no balance transfer fees for 6 months, bonus points and rewards, great benefits, ABMP-themed cards. Find these and more at Use your email to log in to Explore. Enjoy. DS 7

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