Massage & Bodywork

March/April 2013

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inspiration & Insight By Jed Heneberry ABMP Assistant Editor | A Horse of a Different Color Jessica Wahlert painted Jackie Gantner's horse Peanut (pictured below) with sidewalk chalk to create a living, breathing muscle chart to help demonstrate the bodywork she does at Jessica's Equine Wellness in Eaton, Colorado. "It brings the muscles off of a page and gives the most lifelike vision to all those memorized words in your head," Wahlert says. "You can watch the horse walk, see which muscles are being used, and associate that visual memory with your stored word bank. Seeing these muscles move makes it easier to watch any horse move, because you immediately refer back to the different colors and sections." No horses were harmed in the making of this muscle chart. In fact, Peanut liked it. "He really relaxed while we painted him," Wahlert says. "He seemed as though he was receiving a massage, with a droopy lip and everything." ▲ Contact Wahlert at

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