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26 m a s s a g e & b o d y w o r k m a r c h / a p r i l 2 0 1 9 MINDFUL MONEY best practices 4 Steps to Turn Intention Into Action By Amy Andrews McMaster Are you ready to become more mindful about money? Below are four steps to help you turn your intention into action. 1. CLARIFY YOUR INTENTION Step one is clarification. What do you want to accomplish, and why is this goal important? Be as specific as possible: What exactly do you want to achieve? How will you know you have achieved it? What's your deadline to achieve it? After you've clarified the details of the what, go deeper and clarify the details of the why. Knowing why you want what you want will keep you focused and motivated when roadblocks and obstacles stand between you and your goal. Last year, I had an intention of being a full-time leadership coach and speaker. I had been doing this work part time, but I wanted to leave my day job and fully commit to my real passion. Not receiving a paycheck and having to rely solely on myself felt very uncertain. Sometimes discomfort can stop us dead in our tracks. I learned, though, that digging into the reasons this goal was so important to me was the key to creating action. One reason I want to be a full-time leadership coach and speaker is to help more individuals and teams produce exceptional results, while also feeling happy, confident, and fulfilled in my life. Another reason I want to achieve this intention is to create the resources I desire—money included—so I can unleash my own potential and happiness, and make a meaningful contribution to the world. A third reason my intention feels important is because I value connection with family and friends. We love to travel, enjoy good music and food, and like to seek out new adventures. All of these, of course, require financial resources. 2. REMOVE OBSTACLES TO SUCCESS After clarifying what you want and why having it will bring more joy to your life, it is time to look at the things that could potentially get in the way or weigh you down.

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