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READER FORUM Let us know your thoughts about the magazine! Email Yo u r M & B i s w o r t h 2 C E s ! G o t o w w w. a b m p . c o m / c e t o l e a r n m o r e . 13 STARTING 2019 ON THE RIGHT FOOT [In response to the January/February 2019 Editor's Note, page 8] I take the opposite approach of a SMART goal [New Year's resolutions as Specifi c, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-Bound] and do three words as guiding principles for my year. My words this year are Systems, Benchmarks, and Joy. Joy is obvious, and making time to put more of it in my life is a worthwhile thing. Systems is learning to put some things on automatic and plan for them, and to trust in existing systems rather than reinventing. Benchmarks I fi nd to be more user-friendly than "goals"—they imply an ongoing relationship with the end results and can be celebrated as I stay in alignment with where I want to be, professionally and personally. I wish everyone joy in 2019! LESLIE FORRESTER RIVERVIEW, FLORIDA LEVELING UP As a 19-year massage therapist, an instructor of massage, and a business owner, I was very disappointed in your recent reply to a reader that you would be simplifying your articles for easier reading for those who may not understand the full concept of what is being said in articles that apparently have too much information. A massage trade magazine, by defi nition, is meant to enhance and educate people who are in the profession of massage. It's the job of the professional, certifi ed, or licensed therapist to continually educate themselves in the craft and profession they've chosen. If a person doesn't understand what is being written in a certain article, it should be up to the person reading the article to source the resources stated and educate themselves more on the subject, not for the magazine to dumb it down for the sake of the least motivated in the profession. I read Massage & Bodywork because I want to learn more about the profession I love, and when I don't understand something, I research more information about the topic at hand. This self-improving behavior is a key part of professionalism, and I have learned so much over the years as a result. If I wanted a dumbed-down article to read, I would pick up a pop magazine that has articles on "how to give your lover a great massage," or go to social media for all my answers in easily digestible chunks. There are abundant resources at the end of the articles, within the articles themselves, and in the webinars that ABMP offers to therapists to improve their education. Please don't compromise your standards to reach down to someone else's low bar. Everyone needs to rise and the only way to do that is to have the resources available to do so, which you already provide within your articles. Those who don't understand need to step up to take responsibility for their education, do their due diligence in fi nding the information they seek, and become well- versed practitioners of massage, not simply consumers of 144 words at a time without critical thought. Rather than dumbing down Massage & Bodywork, please encourage people to engage with the material and become more than they are today. LISA KEPLINGER BLOOMINGTON, INDIANA Editor's response: Lisa, thank you so much for such an excellently crafted letter of concern. My response in the Editor's Note was simply to mention that a goal of ours this year was to ensure that the magazine served as both a place of learning and challenge, as well as a welcome place for those new to the profession and/or less trained— to meet our readers wherever they may be on their bodywork journey. We started the column The Massage Sloth with Ian Harvey as a way to accomplish this goal. Ian has such a warm, welcoming writing and video style, reminding (or introducing!) readers to time- tested bodywork strategies. We hope his column and this magazine can be a respite for those seeking advanced material, as well as for those seeking to take their practices to the next level— whatever level that may be. We appreciate you reading Massage & Bodywork with such vigor over the years and promise to never settle for less than quality, challenging content. SAFE SPACE I wanted to write a thank-you for always covering such a wide range of topics that my practice is ready for whatever my clients need. I have a client who recently lost their child. Because I read your issue regarding massage during the grieving process [March/April 2018], I feel I was better able to hold sacred space and offer them a place of healing. Instinctively, I knew this aspect of our work, but having it addressed in the publication allowed me to speak with authority, which, in this case, helps so that my client could be in whatever state they needed to be. REBECCA MANITSAS CHAPEL HILL, NORTH CAROLINA EDITOR'S NOTE of the magazine. Six issues = six sessions. Now, hmm, what to do about those other six months? I know. I'll get six massages from ABMP members listed on MassageTherapy. com (that's not only our public education site, but it's also where consumers can find an ABMP practitioner with whom to book a massage or bodywork session). In this issue of Massage & Bodywork, we hope to ring in the new year with Kristin Coverly's take on New Year's resolutions with her article "A–Z Guide to Improving Your Practice in 2019." Peruse her piece and take it as a medium for the motivation to change (at least) one thing about your practice in the upcoming year. From learning to toot your own horn in your marketing to brushing up on your anatomy, Kristin has outlined 26 tips for taking your practice to the next level. We complement her feature article with some other newness for 2019: two new authors. Let's say hello to Amy Andrews McMaster, who will be helming the Mindful Money column, and to Ian Harvey, who'll be covering massage and bodywork basics in our technique column called The Massage Sloth (Ian's nickname). In a recent letter to the editor, a reader expressed that some of Half of all New Year's resolutions fail. And one-third of them fail by the end of January. Why is that? Most likely, it's because people set unrealistic expectations for success, or success isn't clearly identified. Second, there's little, or no, plan of action. Ever heard the phrase "Fail to plan, plan to fail"? So, let's change that this year. According to the journal Management Review, resolutions must be Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-Bound, best remembered by the acronym SMART. So, here goes nothing: 1. In 2019, I will receive relaxation massage or bodywork once a month, because not only does it feel good, it's an excellent path for self-care and wellness, and it directly benefits the very lives of the practitioners we work with and write about each issue. I will receive massage or bodywork and then book my next session within 24 hours of the previous session, so that I get them on a calendar, and thus, there's more certainty of following through. 2. In 2019, I will gift two massages or bodywork treatments, one each to two different, unknowing, very deserving individuals whom I believe could benefit from its relief. I've got this. You know why? For starters, as a department at work, we have a new tradition of going as a team to receive reflexology after we complete each issue Starting Off On the Right Foot 8 m a s s a g e & b o d y w o r k j a n u a r y / f e b r u a r y 2 0 1 9 our material was too challenging for them. We heard your statement and responded by asking Ian to write specifically about improving technique from the ground up. Each issue, Ian will write a short column and have a brief video demonstrating his approaches to bodywork. In 2019, we promise to continue to strive to bring you the best of the best with each and every publication. Making a quality magazine for our readers has always been our number-one priority. We are fortunate to be working on your behalf. Here's to a terrific 2019, and may all your goals be fulfilled. DARREN BUFORD Editor-in-Chief P.S. Send us your New Year's resolutions (! What will you improve about yourself and your practice in the coming year?