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24 m a s s a g e & b o d y w o r k j a n u a r y / f e b r u a r y 2 0 1 9 MINDFUL MONEY best practices 5 Tips to Get Into the Flow By Amy Andrews McMaster I've spent plenty of time wanting to have more money, but I'm not sure how to earn more. Experiences from my childhood informed how I thought about money. Good or bad, our experiences shape our preconceived beliefs about what is possible in most domains of life, money included. Changing our perceptions and beliefs is possible, but it takes self-awareness, courage, and commitment to shift our thinking in this hypercharged domain. My childhood history with money included ideas of scarcity, shame, and backbreaking hard work. Later in life, I met friends who had a very different view and relationship with money. For a long time, I envied them but had no idea how to turn this icky feeling into something more productive. Then, I decided to figure out how to cultivate a new, better relationship with money, one that would empower me rather than leaving me feeling unsatisfied. Following are some of the key insights I gained and applied from the book You are a Badass (Running Press Adult, 2013) by Jen Sincero. 1. START FROM A PLACE OF ABUNDANCE Our beliefs, Sincero argues, are the key to our money success. If we believe there is scarcity in the universe, our brain, in its never-ending efforts to make us right, will find and highlight all the scarcity. Our brain, miracle that it is, manages to delete, distort, and generalize information so we can synthesize the overwhelming amounts of data we feed it into something digestible. Sincero suggests we instead should come from a place of abundance. This is hard when many of us learned something about money in relation to lack, scarcity, or even fear. We need to rewire the scarcity idea, which creates stress and competition, into an abundance idea that empowers us to be creative, generous, and grateful. The cool thing is we get to choose what to believe. We can believe money is finite—once you give it away, it never comes back—or, like Sincero, we can believe in generosity, abundance, and the unlimited power of the universe—being wide open to the flow. I have found that panic and worry are not productive and that abundance and generosity bring more abundance and generosity. I focus on attracting more of what I want … abundance. 2. GET CLEAR ON WHERE YOU'RE STARTING Honestly, this one was less fun for me. For years, I felt paralyzed by any financial- related mail that arrived at my house. My husband got tired of opening it all. Eventually, I realized I had to take a hard look at this and other avoidance behaviors in the realm of money. What obstacles prevented me from getting clear and proactive on my finances? If you don't want to dig deep into your subconscious beliefs, at least take an honest look at your current status with money. How much do you have? What does your current flow look like? How much is coming in? How much is going