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Every client completes the intake form on their initial visit, largely modeled after the ABMP resource. It's on my website and contains specifi c language about my ethics, professionalism, and boundaries. We also discuss their concerns: draping, confi dentiality of client records, session objectives, and methods, so that they are comfortable. DAN PACKMAN BEND, OREGON FROM FACEBOOK I am a canine massage practitioner and see my clients in their homes. I change my clothes between clients to not bring fur from another client into the new client's home. I always allow enough extra time for traffi c in my route to make sure I am never late. I also will refer my clients to a professional who handles a different modality if I know my work can not address the animal's concern. CINDY LINK What piece of constructive criticism (from a client, from a colleague, etc.) about your practice positively affected you the most? Publication Date: Mar/Apr 2019 Tell us your favorite way to hack your practice. What have you done to make your work life more effi cient, easier; what "cheat" have you found that helps? Publication Date: May/Jun 2019 Email your responses to Your submission can be as short as you'd like and up to 250 words. Upcoming Topics SPEAK YOUR MIND How do you make visible your professionalism and ethics for your clientele? Professionalism is mandatory for male therapists. I deliver concierge-level service. Each client is my most important client. Actions always speak louder than words, so I use both and explain my treatment to the client before and after. I schedule plenty of time so my clients seldom see each other. They feel as if they are the only appointment of the day! KEVIN REBMAN I always wear black slacks with a proper fi tting, but modest, top. I read through my policy page with all new clients and have them sign it. It addresses everything: expected behavior, late arrivals, etc. I work from my home, so I tend to really err on the side of caution. I am also very aware of keeping conversations within an appropriate level of professionalism and not getting too personal (either way). Although, if the client wants to vent, I will be a sympathetic ear. During the session, I do not eat food or drink water (I have experienced both by other massage therapists, and I fi nd it disturbs my tranquility.). I feel that my demeanor exudes professionalism and, therefore, am treated the same way by clients. ALINA CHRISTIAN Walk with confi dence and make eye contact. Direct the conversation with the right questions, keep it professional, and that usually shuts down anything that isn't welcomed. CARLA JUNG CAMPBELL Yo u r M & B i s w o r t h 2 C E s ! G o t o w w w. a b m p . c o m / c e t o l e a r n m o r e . 19