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Subscribe … Yes or No? When you subscribe to a podcast, it's similar to a magazine subscription, except it's free. As a subscriber, you will receive each new podcast episode as soon as it's released. Subscribing to a podcast is simple. Just hit the subscribe button in your podcatcher, and the newest episodes will be waiting for you the next time you're ready to listen. Not sure whether you want to subscribe? Don't worry. Subscribing is not a requirement. You can listen to individual episodes that interest you with no strings attached. If, after listening to a few episodes, you decide you do like a particular podcast, go ahead and subscribe. If you tire of a podcast, just hit the unsubscribe button. It's that easy! THREE PODCASTS FOR MTS Massage Business Blueprint (Allissa Haines and Michael Reynolds) Since their first podcast in 2015, Allissa Haines and Michael Reynolds have grown the Massage Business Blueprint podcast to be one of the most—if not the most— popular massage therapy podcasts today. With close to 200 episodes and over 25,000 listeners, Haines and Reynolds strive to make learning about growing your business and the massage therapy industry both informational and entertaining. With nearly 35 years of combined experience in massage therapy and marketing, Haines and Reynolds feel that podcasting is an ideal way to expand their teachings to more MTs. "The purpose [of the podcast] was to reach people who may not read blogs," Haines explains. "And it's just fun, for us and the listeners. It's entertaining and helpful to hear two friends with considerable business and marketing acumen talk about issues that directly affect massage therapists." "MTs get enough boring lectures in school and continuing education," Haines continues, "[and they] get enough written stuff on social media and magazines and textbooks. I think we're way more fun than that." With 25,000-plus listeners, it's safe to say their podcast lessons are way more fun! Massage Business Blueprint podcast listeners tune in regularly to hear conversations like "How Can I Prepare for the Future Growth of My Massage Business?" (Episode 173); "What to Do When Cash Flow Sucks in Your Massage Business" (Episode 118); and "How Can I Give My Year-Old Massage Practice a Shot in the Arm?" (Episode 36). Wherever you are in your quest to learn about the massage and bodywork industry and growing your business, Reynolds and Haines have plenty of interesting topics to choose from. An additional feature, offered on their website (www.massagebusinessblueprint. com), is podcast transcripts (beginning with Episode 124) that allow listeners to read the podcast. According to Haines, accessibility was the motivator. "We're big fans of accessibility," she explains. "There are lots of MTs with varying disabilities, and it was important to us that the information on our podcast be accessible to people who may prefer (or require) reading versus listening." In addition to the podcast, the Massage Business Blueprint website offers further resources, including blog posts and other freebies, to help improve your MT business. There is also a Premium Membership ($17/month) available, which offers its members premium webcasts, templates, and articles; group video conferences; a members-only Facebook group; and premium marketing materials. "The purpose [of the podcast] was to reach people who may not read blogs. And it's just fun, for us and the listeners." —Allissa Haines, Massage Business Blueprint Yo u r M & B i s w o r t h 2 C E s ! G o t o w w w. a b m p . c o m / c e t o l e a r n m o r e . 83

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