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A B M P m e m b e r s e a r n F R E E C E a t w w w. a b m p . c o m / c e b y r e a d i n g M a s s a g e & B o d y w o r k m a g a z i n e 99 CHAKRA/GLAND SUPPORTIVE FOODS AND SUBSTANCES STRESS-INDUCING FOODS AND SUBSTANCES FIRST CHAKRA Location: Hips Gland: Adrenals Color: Red Development: In utero–6 months of age Manages: Safety issues Grass-fed and organically raised red meat; organic eggs; root vegetables; cherries, strawberries, red grapes, purple grapes, raspberries, and other red and purple fruits. This chakra requires lots of minerals and water. Meat from animals that are violently butchered or raised with antibiotics and growth hormones; alcohol; histamine-producing foods, including eggs, shellfish, chocolate, certain nuts, cured meats, fermented foods, and vinegar-containing foods; any life-endangering use of prescription medicines, including opioids; street drugs, such as cocaine and heroin; or dangerous performance and diet drugs. Use of any of the above can indicate severe career, sexual, financial, and bodily stress. SECOND CHAKRA Location: Abdomen Gland: Testes and ovaries Color: Orange Development: 6 months–2½ years of age Manages: Emotions and creativity Organically raised chicken, turkey, and other fowl; yams, sweet potatoes, pumpkin, tropical fruits, salmon, tuna, flaxseed, carrots, oranges, quinoa, sprouted grains, organic grains, orange squash, coconut products, yogurt, and nuts. Cow dairy and soy products; peanuts; gluten (wheat, oats, barley, rye) and other complex and sugary carbohydrates. A craving for rich carbohydrates like white potatoes, sugar, or flour can indicate emotional stress and the desire for comfort. THIRD CHAKRA Location: Solar plexus Gland: Pancreas Color: Yellow Development: 2½–4½ years of age Manages: Personal and professional power; fears; life structure Non-GMO corn, yellow squash, bananas, plantains, yellow peppers, brown rice, beans, lentils, apples, buckwheat, pineapple, papaya, and many types of nuts and whole grains. Eating several small meals a day can support the pancreas. Beer; corn-processed alcohol; processed corn, including corn syrup; diet soda. Stress can lead to the overuse of caffeine products, including sodas, coffee, and stimulants, as well as pain relievers that affect the liver. May also need to avoid purine-rich foods, including organ meats, anchovies, seafood, red meat, and other foods that stimulate production of uric acid. Cravings for crunchy foods, such as popcorn and chips, might indicate stress. The overuse of caffeine can be a sign of being overscheduled or hatred of a job. FOURTH CHAKRA Location: Chest Gland: Heart Color: Green Development: 4½–6½ years of age Manages: Relationships, love, and healing Think the Mediterranean diet, to include green leafy and cruciferous vegetables; avocados; oils, including olive, coconut, and artichoke; teas, herbs, and spices; mercury-free fish; whole grains; most fruits. White sugar; wine; too much salt; canned fruits and vegetables; trans-fatty acids; cured meats; additives, including monosodium glutamate (MSG). Compulsive use of sugar, chocolate, sweet alcoholic beverages, or any of the above can indicate stress related to love and relationship. FIFTH CHAKRA Location: Throat Gland: Thyroid Color: Blue Development: 6½–8½ years of age Manages: Communication and receiving of guidance Tart fruits, such as blueberries, blackberries, lemons, kiwi, and grapefruit; iodine-rich foods, including chlorella and kelp; magnesium-rich food, such as nuts; herb teas, spices, and water; soups and stews. Depending on hormonal conditions, might react to soy, cruciferous vegetables, gluten, cow dairy, trans-fatty acids, sugar, alcohol, and processed foods. A compulsive need to constantly chew or drink can indicate fifth chakra stress. SIXTH CHAKRA Location: Brow Gland: Pituitary Color: Violet Development: 8½ to 14 years of age Manages: Self-image, clairvoyance, goal setting Mercury-free fish, leafy greens, nuts, whole grains, dark chocolate, purple berries, and foods high in omega-3s. The pituitary runs our hormonal system, and therefore any craving that throws our endocrine system out of balance can indicate stress in this center or create more stress in other chakras. The underlying challenge, if the stress relates to this chakra, is poor self-image or confusion about the future. SEVENTH CHAKRA Location: Top of the head Gland: Pineal Color: White Development: 14–21 years of age Manages: Higher purpose, relationship with the Spirit In general, seventh chakra enhancements involve the use of prayer or blessings when eating or drinking; abstaining from chemical-laden foods; and using substances in a worshipful way, such as through rituals like fasting. Eating foods or taking supplements enabling pineal gland functioning is very important (see a naturopath or nutritionist for advice). Also, select supplements that can cross the blood-brain barrier that separates the digestive system from the brain. Any unhealthy food or substance can inhibit the functioning of the pineal gland and seventh chakra or indicate a seventh chakra stress. Rigidity in food choices often indicates stress in the seventh chakra and lack of comfort with one's spiritual identity. Chakra-Based Foods and Substances

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