Massage & Bodywork

MAY | JUNE 2018

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A B M P m e m b e r s e a r n F R E E C E a t w w w. a b m p . c o m / c e b y r e a d i n g M a s s a g e & B o d y w o r k m a g a z i n e 13 READER FORUM BREAKABILITY Loved Lauren Cates's article "Death, Dying, and the Breakability of Us All" in the March/April 2018 issue (page 72). Her verse is wise and speaks to us as people, not just as technicians of the arts. CLAIRE GUY WINTHROP, MAINE YOGA & MASSAGE I really enjoyed Cindy Williams's lovely article "The Union of Yoga & Massage" in the November/December 2017 issue (page 70). My own back injury, a herniated disk in 2008, led me to seek alternative forms of treatment, including chiropractic, massage therapy, and, at the urging of my wife, yoga. My back healed, and I've been practicing yoga ever since. Several years later, I decided that helping others achieve their best health through massage was what I wanted to do. So, at the age of 59, I went back to school. Yoga has enriched my life and informed my massage practice ever since. I've now gained a certifi cation credential in yoga and offer individual practice sessions to my massage clients, helping them engage their innate healing abilities away from the massage table. An hour of yoga followed by an hour of table massage is a beautiful combination that my clients absolutely love. Thanks so much for the inspiring article. BILL STANTON GAYS MILLS, WISCONSIN THE WORLD IS WATCHING Thank you for your awesome article titled "The World Is Watching," published in the March/April 2018 issue (by Susan Coffey, page 11). It's such an important topic, and I appreciate the way Susan approached it with inclusivity. In the third paragraph, she shared, "I defl ected their attempts to undermine my career and built up a repertoire of snarky, smart responses that quickly dismissed their efforts, and, as a result, empowered me as a therapist and person." I'd love to be empowered with those snarky, smart responses! I'm sure I'm not the only one who has challenges thinking up intelligent comebacks. CINDY PERLOFF YELM, WASHINGTON By Lauren Cates DEATH, DYING, AND THE BREAKABILITY OF US ALL W e're all broken. This is a fact for which we can be deeply and truly thankful. The wounds that make this true have made, and will make, you who you are. The J-O-B called "massage" is simple. Rub the knots out, agree sympathetically that, yes, these are the tightest shoulders you've ever felt, tell this person whose knots you just rubbed to drink water, collect some money from this person, and move on to your next client. Lather, rinse, repeat. Right? Maybe. 4 b r e a k a b i l i t y 4 Let us know your thoughts about the magazine! Email From the editors: We loved your idea! We're asking readers for their best, professional comebacks. What are yours? Email them to

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