Massage & Bodywork


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Jill Tschetter represents the sixth generation of bodyworkers in her family—a relative of her grandfather's worked "setting bones" in a small village in Ukraine. You might say the work runs in her blood. Tschetter says her genetic predisposition toward bodywork gives her an innate somatic intuition, which she credits for the success of her practice, even more than her education and experience. "Bodywork is an internally driven career—the fi nest MTs possess intuitive soul-level know-how," Tschetter says. With her eclectic background in physical movement and athletics (she has a double major in sports medicine and dance education), Tschetter has a detailed perspective on treating dysfunction in the body, and that's led a number of professional athletes and dancers to seek out her work. One of her most memorable and rewarding experiences as a therapist was working with the Cleveland Monsters ice hockey team in the run-up to their Calder Cup win. "The fi nals games were heart-pounding," she says. "I've been working with professional athletes for years, but this experience proved to be the best yet." Tschetter also works as a choreographer for local theaters and performing arts centers in addition to her bodywork practice, Well Soul Work in Cleveland, Ohio. "I like the concept of doing work that is of low consequence to the planet, meaning I'm not contributing to hurting the earth. It's just me helping someone. It's simple but important." Jill Tschetter For this member, bodywork is in the blood Favorite movie or TV show: Shark Tank Favorite band/artist: Prince Favorite food: Apples! (and french fries—don't tell anyone ...) Favorite book: Does Massage & Bodywork magazine count? Seriously! Favorite quote: "Keep calm and carry on." Photo by Aly C Photography ABMP MEMBER PROFILE By Brandon Twyford ABMP Associate Editor |

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