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A B M P m e m b e r s e a r n F R E E C E a t w w w. a b m p . c o m / c e b y r e a d i n g M a s s a g e & B o d y w o r k m a g a z i n e 13 READER FORUM EMAIL YOUR LETTERS TO EDITOR@ABMP. COM. INCLUDE YOUR FULL NAME AND THE CITY AND STATE IN WHICH YOU RESIDE. WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO EDIT LETTERS FOR LENGTH AND CLARITY. SPOTLIGHT ON HIV/AIDS Thank you so much for giving such excellent coverage on the HIV/AIDS situation in your latest magazine ( July/August 2017). With little written about it in popular publications these days, the topic seems to have fallen off people's radar the last few years. The result is that people are becoming more complacent and less informed. Thank you, Ruth Werner, for speaking out so strongly about the myth regarding the necessity to wear gloves when offering touch to people living with HIV or AIDS. In my 25-plus years of providing care to people in this population, I have never had to wear gloves. I have been an AIDS educator in the massage community since 1990 and an HIV counselor and tester for over 10 years to survivors of rape and domestic abuse. As part of my annual required continued education to maintain my certifi cation as a tester and counselor for the state of Florida, I am fortunate to receive the most up-to- date information on testing. The latest testing (available at least in Florida) can detect, through a blood sample, antibodies to the virus as early as three weeks. That is a big improvement over the six-month window we started with 20 years ago! As was explained to me by the lead scientist at the testing lab in Jacksonville, Florida, it was not that the body was not producing antibodies; it was that the testing was not sophisticated enough to detect at such low levels. Testing is so good now that scientists can also determine pretty well when a person was infected. Such a blessing to those who have been subjected to sexual contact against their will. The PEP treatment that Ruth mentions is one our agency offers regularly to survivors. KAREN BALL ST. AUGUSTINE, FLORIDA PAIN-FREE BODYWORK? Thank you, Erik Dalton, for not completely agreeing with the idea of pain-free bodywork [Massage & Bodywork, Myoskeletal Alignment Techniques, "Pain Exposure Therapy," July/August 2017, page 90]. During my 35 years of practicing massage, I have experienced scores of massage and bodywork techniques, and I have used many of them with my clients. Despite claims that massage/bodywork doesn't have to be deep and painful to be effective, many consumers of massage do not respond to anything else. Moreover, a large majority of my clients choose deep and often painful massage because it relieves myofascial pain and dysfunction more quickly and the results last longer. Not every massage needs to be painful to be effective, but for many of us, it's a requirement. PAUL DAVID TUFF MONTEREY, CALIFORNIA AUTHENTIC SELF-CARE I just started reading the May/June issue of Massage & Bodywork. I connected deeply to Leslie Young's Editor's Note ("Dare to Dream," page 10). It's a powerful testament to how challenging our limiting beliefs (something I'm working on) leads to life-changing experiences. Thank you for sharing it! CATH COX AURORA, COLORADO

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