Massage & Bodywork


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WHAT'S INSIDE? SEPTEMBER/OCTOBER 2017 FEATURES 56 MASSAGE THERAPY AND SEXUAL MISCONDUCT It's no secret that sexual misconduct exists in the massage therapy profession. Learn from this expert witness how responsible practitioners can help curb these incidents. By Ben E. Benjamin, PhD 64 MASSAGE FOR THE GRIEVING We know about the emotional pain of loss, but have you realized mourning can prompt physical pain as well? This therapist recounts her experience using bodywork to help. By Aimee Joy Taylor 72 DO DEEP PRESSURE Some clients insist on it, whether it's indicated or not; some really need deep work. Here are six steps to follow to deliver deep pressure with minimal effort—and honor your body mechanics. By Mark Liskey 78 MOVING OUT OF PARALYSIS This innovative bodyworker details his experience with easing physical— and mental—restrictions for certain individuals with paralysis. By Meir Schneider, PhD 112 THE POSTURE WINDOW Stress, relaxation, joy: all are refl ected in a client's posture. A chiropractor shares his wisdom about using posture as a guide to assessment and solutions to help bodyworkers meet their clients' needs. By Yoni Whitten, DC 48 ABMP MEMBER PROFILE: The Olivers

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